
You can make anything
by writing


by 여봉수 Jun 04. 2020

봉사활동을 해야하는 이유

진학과 취업에도 필요하다구요.

직업이 영국유학원 원장이다보니 학업계획서를 검수할 일이 많이 있습니다. 매년 수십 여개 영국 대학교와 영국대학원에 보내고, 종종 다른 유럽이나 한국 대학교로 보내는 학업계획서도 검수를 해드리고 있지요. 제 커리어의 시작이 대학교내 취업지원팀이었고, 이래저래 알게된 분들의 입사지원서도 검수해드리곤 하죠.

학업계획서 혹은 자기소개서를 쓰기위해 가장 중요한 것은 "내가 당신네 학교 (혹은 회사)에 꼭 필요한 인재다"라는 것을 드러내는 것입니다. 물론 "나는 중요한 사람입니다. 나를 뽑아야합니다"라고 직접적으로 쓸 수는 없죠. (그런 주술이 있다는 말은 들어봤습니다만 포지션이 마법사가 아닌 관계로 패스)

제대로된 학업계획서 (혹은 자기소개서)를 완성하기 위해서는 학교 (혹은 회사)의 홈페이지도 열심히 들여다봐야합니다. 의식하든 의식하지 못했든 홈페이지에는 그 기관에서 생각하는 인재상이 드러나기 마련이고, 나를 소개하는 입장에서는 내가 그 인재상에 적합하다는 것을 어필할 필요가 있으니까요.

그리고 업무나 전공 영역을 불문하고 그 인재상에 공통적으로 들어가는 것은 "열정", "인성" 등이라고 할 수 있습니다. 이 중 "인성"을 단순히 착하다는 것이 아니라 리더쉽이나 도덕성, 적극성 등 여러가지를 의미하고 있는데요, 문제는 그 인성이든 열정이든 글로써 드러내기 쉽지 않다는 점에 있습니다. 그리고 바로 그 지점에서 중요한 것인 "봉사활동"이 되게 됩니다. 봉사활동은 일단 돈을 받지 않기 때문에 "한 큐에" 열정과 인성, 경험, 평소의 관심도 등을 증명하는 간접적인 지표로 사용하게 됩니다. 

뭐 다 아시는 내용일 테지만, 마침 같은 (비슷한) 내용으로 올라온 글이 있어서 소개해드립니다.

이름도 거창하게 10가지 이유...  특별하고 상클발랄한 내용은 없지만, 관심있는 분들은 한번 보세요.

Whether you're volunteering for a cause or a job, volunteering has many benefits for professionals. 

Cambridge Dictionary defines volunteering as offering “to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do it and without expecting payment”. Often, volunteering is associated with causes’ people are passionate about but it goes beyond that. 

Bringing it closer to the context of work, volunteering means working for an organization without being paid. Internship, on the other hand, means to learn a trade or profession for a specific period which is sometimes paid or unpaid. 

Either volunteering or interning, the focus is to invest your time in practical learning. Evidence shows that volunteering/interning pushes you a step further and places you ahead of the competition. According to research by Linkedin, 1 in 5 Hiring Managers said they have hired candidates because of their volunteer experience.

So should you work for free if you can? I say, Yes! And here are 10 reasons why;

1. You meet people, you build new professional connections, you grow your social capital.

2. You gain fresh perspectives and learn more about business and trends. You stay ahead. 

3. You learn new skills and you boost your professional profile. 

4. You get to test run your passion, career or profession and make evidence-based career decisions.

5. You gain free hands-on experience, you build competence which prepares you for better opportunities. Employers are interested in what you have done I.e. your track record.

6. Volunteering prepares you to earn big. When you learn, you improve your earning potential and your chances of getting hired fulltime.

7. You build your self-esteem. You gain more confidence and clarity about your career, specific industries or the workplace in general.

8. You serve humanity. You contribute to championing something you love. You make real impact.

9. You overcome feelings of sadness and depression that come with being unemployed or not having a fulfilling career.

10. You discover a whole new you. New insights to talents and gifts you didn't even know you had. 

Before taking up volunteer opportunities, consider your career journey and personal circumstances. Think through the conditions, timing, location, resources required and benefits. Some people often think volunteering is a mean attempt at cheap labour. There are genuine opportunities that truly help people learn and grow. I say volunteering is worth it, I have volunteered for work, causes and projects that helped shape my career. If volunteering works for you, by all means, go for it. You have more to gain and nothing much to lose.

When you volunteer, be proud you did. Add your volunteer experience to your professional profile. Add them to your resume and your LinkedIn profile. When adding on LinkedIn, add them under the Experience section or the Volunteering section. If you are adding under the Experience section, be sure to indicate they were volunteering opportunities.

Are you struggling to find volunteer or internship opportunities? Keep your eyes on my upcoming articles and live streaming sessions where I will be teaching you how to find utilize those opportunities.

Written By: Ifeadi Anigbogu

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