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1 Course Deoksugung: First & L

First & Last Emperor


★ The Deoksugung Palace is the smallest palace among the five palaces of Joseon Dynasty. Yet, it is a place that remembers the most turbulent history of Joseon. In modern times of Joseon when the greed of Japan and the veiled enmity among foreign embassies reached a boiling point, Emperor Gojong endured the sorrow of losing his wife and his poisoning attempted by the Japanese officials, and had to silently bear the humiliation of having to take refuge at the Russian legation. The book unfolds the behind stories of the beautiful stone wall at the Deoksugung Palace where the Joseon Dynasty ended and the history of the Korean Empire began. 

★ Publication right

★ Table of Contents

☆ Deoksugung Talk : Touring Seoul with a foreign friend

☆ Deoksugung Guide

☆ Deoksugung Map

☆ Changing of the Royal Guards Ceremony : Patrolling Seoul

☆ Gyeongungung vs. Deoksugung

☆ Daehanmun : Front gate of the Deoksugung Palace

☆ The secret behind palace gates

☆ Junghwamun/Junghwajeon

☆ The secret of twin dragons

☆ The secret behind palace main halls and ceiling patterns 

☆ The last Emperor Gojong

☆ Jeong/deumu : Fire extinguisher in Joseon Dynasty

☆ Gwangmyeongmun : Rocket weapon in Joseon Dynasty

☆ Seokjojeon : The best art museum of South Korea

☆ Jeukjodang/Junmyeongdang/Seokeodang : Princess Deokhye's Kindergarten 

☆ Hannyeongjeon/Jeonggwanheon : The first cafe of South Korea

☆ The poisoning of Gojong

☆ Deoksugung outside Deoksugung

★ Theme Travel News

☆ DeoksugungTalk : Touring Seoul with foreign friends

B-rated travel(B) : Hello?

Hyeju(H) : Hi B! My friends are going to visit from China next month. Where is a good place to go with them? 

B : Well, that depends on what you want to do? 

H : We could go shopping to Myeongdong. We made plans to go to clubs around Hongik University at night, but I don't know what we should do during daytime! 

B : It seems like foreign friends know better these days because they get information via the internet. 

H : Still, I'd like to introduce them to a great place since they are visiting my homeground! 

B : Then, you should go to places that are most Korean. 

H :Insadong?

B :Hahahah, Insadong is not bad but you won't be able to find authentic Korean made products there. Besides the Korean food there is so expensive. I've heard that the middle-low price cosmetics are great hits among foreigners and you said you are going to Myeongdong, right? When I say places that are most Korea, I am talking about places you can only find in Korea. 

H : So, where can I find these place? 

B : Do you know how many palaces are in Seoul? 

H : I've been to the Gyeongbokgung Palace!

B : So, how many are there?

H : Ah, I've been to Changdeokgung as well! When I was very young...

B : There are only five palaces in Seoul. That is why it's called the Five Palaces: the Gyeongbokgung Palace right in front of the Gwanghwanum Square, the Changdeokgung Palace and the Changgyeonggung Palace that are close by the Gyeongbokgung Palace, the Gyeonghuigung Palace beside Seoul Museum of History, and the Deoksugung Palace in front of Seoul City Hall. 

H : Wow, the five palaces! You sound like you know a thing a two about these. You really are a travel writer, aren't you?

B : I'm a busy man.

H : Wait a second! I'll treat you to a great meal!! I really got a lot of help from these friends and I want to do something for them, although I don't have much money. (Hahahah) So, what is the best place among these five palaces? 

B : They are all great!

H : Oh, come on!

B : Then, what about Gyeonghuigung?

H :Gyeonghuigung? Why, why? Is it the best place? But, isn't Gyoengbokgung the largest and the most famous palace? 

B : Hmmm, this is really a secret, but among the five palaces... 

H : ??

B :Gyeonghuigung is the only place that is free of admission charge. 

H : Aha, that is good information! But, seriously!! Why do I feel annoyed? 

B : You said you don't have money. 

H : But still!! I can afford to pay the admission price! Come on, I need your advice! (angrily) 

B :Hahahah!

H : You've been to many places whenever your foreign friends visit Korea. Blow it out, right now.

B : Wow, you sound like you're giving me a breathalyzer test. Honestly, they are all great places to visit. The important thing is whether your friends are interested in Korean palaces. Besides, if they are coming from China, they might prefer Everland to old palaces. 

H :Hahahah, come think of it, you are right. When I visited Beijing, I was busy going to night markets. And when I finally went to the Great Wall of China, it was really exhausting. My friends, who are used to going to the Forbidden City, might be disappointed with the Gyeongbokgung Palace. But it is such a great place! The Bukhansan Mountain to its back is so wonderful! Beijing doesn't has anything like the Bukhansan Mountain; there is nothing but a big palace. 

B : I know, that is why telling stories about the place is important. Even if you are visiting an unknown place, that visit can become a travel your friends will never forget depending on how you tell them about the place. On the other hand, no matter how famous a place may be, you can end up just having a picture or two, and nothing more. 

H : I would love to explain about the places we will visit. I am not a professional touring guide, but I am studying and preparing in my own ways so that I can introduce Korea to my Chinese friends. But learning history is so hard... 

B : I'm not good with history, myself. What really counts is having your style, Hyeju. 

H : My style?

B : You like coffee, don't you?

H : Absolutely.

B : Do your friends love coffee as much as you do?

H : Yeah, they enjoy coffee. I think my Chinese friends like to chat at coffee shops more than they like drinking coffee. Chatting is the lingua franca! 

B : OK. Then, why don't you go to a place where you all can enjoy coffee? Like the Deoksugung Palace. 

H : The Deoksugung Palace?

B : Yup. Have fun.

H : Awe, come on! You gotta tell me why.

B : (giggles) There is a Western style building called Jeonggwanheon in the Deoksugung Palace, and it is where Emperor Gojong used to enjoy coffee. You could say that it was the first coffee place in Korea. They say Emperor Gojong was the first Korean person to taste coffee. 

H : Really? That's interesting! But why is that not written in history books. 

B : Do you remember AgwanPacheon?

H :AgwanPacheon! The Korea royal refuge at the Russian legation? So, that was about Emperor Gojong? 

B : Wow, you have a good memory? You are right. Apparently, Emperor Gojong missed the taste of coffee he had at the Russian legation for the first time, and so, enjoyed drinking coffee at the Jeonggwanheon after he returned to the palace. The building is quite exotic because it combines Western style interior with Korean traditional patterns. Chinese friends who are Asians just like us might find this place interesting. In addition to the Jeonggwanheon, the Soekjojean which is used as the Deoksugung Art Museum is a Colonial style Western building. Among the five palaces, it is the one that is most different from traditional Joseon palaces. I am sure Asians will find it more exotic than Europeans do. 

H :Ohhh, that's really interesting. An old palace that has a coffee place, the first one for South Korea. I've decided. The Deokdugung Palace, it will be. 

B : (Laugh) Good, it will be helpful if you prepare yourself a bit. The palace is the smallest one, so two hours will be enough to tour the place. Recently, I've seen a lot of foreigners visit the palace, but they take only about 20 minutes. I wonder what they see in such a short amount of time. 

H :Hahahah... It's the same when we are traveling other countries. When we are on a package tour, we only take an hour to tour the Forbidden City. By the way, when are we going to the Deoksugung Palace?

테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea

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MyeongHwa, Jo(Badventure)


테마여행신문 TTN Korea 편집장

대통령직속청년위원회 여행레져관광 분야 멘토(2015~)

방송 : 아리랑TV Artravel(2016), KBS2 세상은 넓다(2015), skyTravel 여행의 기술(2015), tvN 쿨까당(2015), YTN 브레인파워를 키워라(2014) 외

사진전 : 《Korea Fantasy》(Texas, USA, 2014), 《대학교는 드라마다》(Seoul, 2013), 트래비 여행사진 공모전(2010) 외

강연 : 청운대 스마트관광기획가 양성과정, KBS방송아카데미/연세대 미래교육원/한겨례 문화센터 여행작가 양성과정 외

프로필 전문

세상을 큐레이팅하는 여행편집장(Editor) : 대학시절 공모전으로 세계를 여행한 ‘공모전여행작가’로 《캠퍼스 밖으로 행군하라》를 출간하였으며, 서울대부터 제주대까지 전국 주요 대학가는 물론 일본 OVAL까지 여행강사이자 멘토로써 수많은 청년들과 만났다. 싱가폴관광청과《원코스 시아홀리데이》, V에어와 《원코스 V에어》, 필리핀항공과 《원코스 팔라완》 등을 제작하는 등 여행콘텐츠 200여종을 기획 및 저술했다. 국내에서 찾아 보기 힘든 ‘외국계 항공사 출신 여행작가’이자 여행 전문 콘텐츠크리에이터(Contents Creator)로 관광업계와 출판업계를 넘나드는 다양한 프로젝트를 진행 중. 

현장을 누비는 전문가(Travel Guide) : 관광통역사(영어), 국내여행안내사, 투어컨덕터(TC) 등의 전문 자격증을 취득한 여행전문가로써 2012년부터 세계 곳곳을 누비며 여행자와 호흡하고 있다. 한국관광공사와 국립민속박물관의 세계유산, 역사/문화재, 프리미엄 강좌(2016) 등을 이수하는 등 이론과 경험을 겸비한 여행전문가로써 거듭나기 위해 고군분투 중. 

여행콘텐츠 스타트업 대표(Startup CEO) : 버진 아틀란틱, 베트남 항공 한국지사 등의 직장생활을 거쳐 독립, 여행출판사 테마여행신문 TTN Korea을 비롯해 여행 전문 미디어와 출판사를 창간했다. 한국관광공사 창조관광사업(관광벤처), 경기도 청년프론티어 창업지원사업, 콘텐츠코리아랩 스타트업 인큐베이팅 프로그램 등에 선발된 바 있으며, 세계 최대의 여행박람회 SXSW에 국내 최초의 여행출판사로써 참가해 3박4일간 Korea Fantasy 사진전을 개최해 호평 받았다. 

여행작가를 양성하는 여행강사(Travel Instructer) : 18인의 공저로 완성한 ‘1박2일 가족여행 시티투어’는 여행 분야 베스트셀러에 오른 바 있으며, 2015년 청운대 관광학부와 국내 최초로 기획한 ‘스마트관광기획가’ 과정은 수료생 전원을 등단시키는 등 그가 운영하는 ‘여행작가 양성 프로그램’은 실전에 강하다는 평가를 받는다. 서울대 새내기학교에 3년 연속 초청되었으며, OVAL 초청으로 도쿄에서 강연을 하는 등 세계를 누비며 다양한 주제와 테마의 여행으로 청중들과 호흡하고 있다. 

쓰기 위해 공부하는 학생(Student) : 경영정보학(2000~2008), 관광학(2009~2011), 영상문화콘텐츠학 석사(2012~2015)에 이어 문화교양학(2011~)까지... 대학교(원) 학생증만 4번째인 그는 작가 이기 이전에 ‘쓰기 위해 공부하는’ 학생이다. 석사논문 ‘여행도서 콘텐츠에 반영된 여행트렌드’는 국내 여행도서를 연구대상으로한 독창적인 논문으로 손꼽히며, 학업 외에도 조주사, 벌룬아트, 마라톤 완주, 태권도(3단), 유도(초단) 등 세상의 모든 분야에 대한 호기심으로 가득하며, 오늘도 무언가를 공부 중. 


여행작가 바이블 4부작(2016)


바이럴마케팅을 이기는 언론홍보Ⅱ(2016)

여행도서 콘텐츠에 반영된 여행트렌드(2015, 석사논문)

바이럴마케팅을 이기는 언론홍보Ⅰ(2014)

당신의 캠퍼스를 가져라(2013)

1박2일 가족여행 시티투어(2011)

캠퍼스 밖으로 행군하라 외(2010) 다수


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