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영어회화_ 자본주의는 자본주의 답게

Rocky's think box _(116)

When former President Moon took office, companies suffered from the government's excessive regulations. For example, there were 52-hour workweek, minimum wage, Severe Accident Act, and a high rae of tax, to name a few. These undermined companies' efforts to grow up. Those excessive regulations discouraged them from staying motivated. Luckily, the new government has decided to lift those regulations! Especially, minimum wage and 52-hour workweek system had a lot of side effects. I think what companies desperately need right now is a 'free environment'.Capitalism has to be like capitalism. That is, it should give liberty to the companies. The enviroment  each company is in is different, which should be considered when making policies. In conclusion, in order that our country can become prosperous, we should not forget the 'spirit of capitalism'. Our country is not a socialist country!

@This article is only a subjective view.

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