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영어회화_기성세대 vs MZ 세대

Rocky's think box_(35)

I completely agree. "MZ-Generation", or young generation, is more excellent than old generation in terms of sensibility, while old generation has a lot of experiences. With the 4th Industrial Revolution coming, the world is changing more rapidly.  And the gap between young and old genearations is growing nowadays. Young generation has its own unique cultures. Among them, "Fandom", "Goods", "Duckhoo or Duckjil" and "Otaku" have created new cultures! Also, young people like to stay alone. So, one-person media, like Youtube, Instagram, Azar dating App, is becoming popular among young people. Whereas, old generation has lived with "life and goals". It is finding it difficult to understand young generation. However, old people have a lot of strength, like experiences, knowledge, diversity and humanism.  In conclusion, "MZ" and old generations have to coexist! All of us must understand one another and live together. That is a community!

@ This article is  only a subjective view

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