
You can make anything
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by 현안 XianAn 스님 Jun 11. 2024

Three Goals of Meditation

Three Goals of Meditation



Good Morning. Everyone. Cold today? Anyone feel any cold now? A little bit. Anyone feels cold? You are not supposed to. ok? Those who are feeling cold, you're not meditating properly, because in a day like today, meditation warms you up, and it feels very comfortable. Anyone feels that way? It's cold. The temperature is kind of cool right now, but as soon as you start meditating, it should warm you up. You feel very very comfortable. Yes? Yes. This is why I meditate when I get cold like this. It's perfect for meditation. This kind of weather is perfect for meditation. Besides, the fact that it still hurts a lot, the body, the legs still hurt, so that makes it difficult to meditate. But if you're able to conquer the legs' discomfort and pain, it feels very very good. Okay, so it is an investment. Meditation, you persevere the payoff is tremendous, tremendous. All right?

Today let me talk a little bit about the various forms of meditation. All right? Meditation, as you know, it has many, many forms, and I would classify them as three different kinds. Basically. number one is what I would call the worldly meditation. Now, it doesn't matter where you learn it from, who teaches it. Whether it is a lay person or a monk, you can tell this is worldly meditation. The teacher teaches worldly meditation because he or she stresses worldly benefits. What are the worldly benefits? They talk about, they talk about things like happiness, things like, stress things like sensual pleasures, things like gains. The real worldly benefit you get out of meditation. That's what they talk about. Or some of them even talk about. They talk about the benefits of worldly pleasures or bodily pleasures or benefits, all right? Some of them in particular, I noticed that quite a few who seem to have the Indian influence, they stress more on the sensual pleasures. Okay. They say that you meditate in order to enhance the sensual pleasures. Hi. Yeah. You're preparing for the ChanQi. I know that.

For example, some of them stress you do the chakra, they meditate in order to develop chakras. And the chakra is release the energy. When you release energy, then there are two things that happen. Number one, you open your enlightenment. And number two, before that, you also, and maybe simultaneously it also enhances your sexual pleasures as well. Okay? All those I classify as worldly meditation, worldly goals is usually revolves around known as mindfulness. Okay? Mindfulness. You hear about that a lot, especially from monks or very trendy for a long, long time, for the last two or three decades. Very popular in Europe, for example, they teach about mindfulness meditation. And we usually heard mindfulness. They stress mindfulness. That tells you it's Theravada meditation. Even Vietnam, Europe, they are very popular. Okay.

And finally, there's something called Mahayana meditation. What is the difference in Mahayana meditation? Yes, Roberta, what is the difference in Mahayana meditation? You've been practicing Mahayana meditation. This lady here has been practicing Mahayana meditation for how many years now? Five, six years? Too many years, she says. Yeah, that's right. Too many years.

Roberta: Too many years.

So what is Mahayana meditation? Anyone? Yes. XianJie. What is my newly minted or being trained, Mahayana meditation teacher? What is Mahayana meditation? He has to think. This is terrible. You can tell that he's still being trained. Hasn't got it yet. Yes.

Roberta: Brings calmness and peace.

Calmness and peace. You can get that with worldly meditation as well as Hinayana meditation. Okay?

Roberta: It all depends on your attitude and what you are. And if you want to have peace and contentment, then you keep doing that for that.

Okay? She has a hard time expressing where she's going. She has an idea, but she can't quite put a finger on it yet. Okay, but you're in the right direction? Yes. Anyone else? You're in the right direction? That's correct. Yes. Can anyone help her out a little bit? That's right. That's precisely it. Mahayana meditation is, Let me put in layman's terms for you. ok? Mahayana. Technical term. Meditation is to help you see your Buddha nature, okay? Meaning that you all have the Buddha nature. You just can't see it, that's all. Okay? See? Yeah, you do have it too. Don't sell yourself short. We all have it. That's a nice thing about Mahayana concept. It's very democratic. We're all the same. There's no difference between any of us. We all have the Buddha nature, okay? And the meditation, Mahayana objective is to help you see your Buddha nature, meaning what is seeing your Buddha Nature? Does anyone know? Anyone has an idea? What does it mean when you see your nature? Would you like to know? Of course. You wanna know? Yes? What happens when you see your nature? Huh? What for?

Audience: Building?

Ah! very good. When you see your nature, you stop being confused. You see your confusion, you see that you were confused and then AHA, I was confused. That's the nature of seeing a nature. The characteristic of seeing nature is what you realize you were confused and you no longer are, okay? Before you see your nature you were confused. After you see your nature, you see the nature of your previous confusion, okay? You didn't realize you were confused. Okay? What is that called? It's called wisdom. Because you lack wisdom. That's why you fail to see your confusion. That's why you fail to see, you fail to have clarity of mind. Okay? So let me put it in layman's terms for you, Ok? The Mahayana meditation is in order. We teach you meditation in Mahayana meditation, in order to help you realize your true potential, your highest potential. okay? When you realize that potential, you cease to be unhappy and you are extremely, extremely fulfilled. Okay? There's no higher form of fulfillment, by the way. It's no higher form of achievement, If you ask me, you can do.

It is, so the difference between three forms of meditation are what? What's the difference? It boils down to this. The nature of the goals. what's Roberta lured to. What are you after? Okay. You have to ask yourself, okay? What is it you want to reach? What do you want to achieve? Okay? And the reason I teach Mahayana meditation is, I'm trying to convey to you that you have to be careful about what you wish because it's going to come true. ok? If you only want the worldly benefits, you want to be stronger, you want to be less stressed out, you want to be healthier. Okay, then that's called worldly benefits, okay? That's called small gains. I call the small gains, petty gains.

Audience: Small games?

Not games. Gains, small benefits. If you only want to settle for small benefits, okay, then that's what you're gonna get. Because when you meditate, you will get that. It doesn't matter who the teacher is. This is very important. I separate them because it's not only the teacher, it's also you as well. Ah, it's not about the teacher anymore, okay? See Roberta started meditating because she had migraines, and when she meditated, migraine went away. The headaches went away just like that, without all medication couldn't help. that's the lady right behind you, the one that, Yeah. That's Roberta. She's always like this. Focus. She says you look at her. Are you focused? Okay, now, I started by explaining to you the teacher. What is the teacher trying to tell you? What he or she's teaching, but also, more important, it's not the teacher. It's you. You have to decide is this what I want out of this endeavor?

I feel that if you only settle and you start out with, I want to be healthier, I want to be more peaceful, and so on. You know what? All meditation forms get that. Actually the three forms of meditation are three different levels of attainment. At first, you get the worldly benefits. Okay? Let's face it. If you get no worldly benefits, you will stop to meditate. Okay? Because it's useless to you. Let's face it. No one would want to waste her time except for Roberta, okay? Right? Who would want to waste your time? Who is in the sane mind will waste your time meditating.

Okay? So everyone meditates will get the worldly benefits. That's the first level. Naturally, we don't have to sell you about it. You meditate, you get all those worldly benefits. Your stress level will decrease. You become healthier. Your focus increases. You are more relaxed. You have more stamina. Okay? You feel stronger physically. Okay? For example, this young man here, he used to go to school and work 20 hours a week. When he started school, he was in the 50s, right? He went to college at the age of 50, and he was self supporting, so he had to find a job, and he went to Cal Tech. So it's very demanding schedule, his English wasn't that great. He still isn't, and he has to work. Okay, and you know how did he do? What did he do to survive 20 hours a week? Okay?

And then the stress of getting competing in Caltech and then a language English, which is most of it is quite difficult to understand or make yourself understood. Okay? There's a story of immigrants for you, if you will, and what did he do to survive? He meditated every day. Am I correct? He meditated every day in order to increase his stamina and keep himself sane. The stress you can imagine going to college in that kind of environment is very very stressful. Okay? So that's what he did. Okay? So you see, that's worldly meditation, because naturally, when you meditate, you get all those benefits. There's no need to sell you on those benefits. You know that? Your stamina increases, and therefore, you enjoy yourself more. And everything, your all sensual pleasures are increased. You have more sensual pleasures naturally. You enjoy the food more. Your nose is more acute. It's keener, so you smell the fragrance better, okay? Your head is clearer, so you can go through the day and solve your problems better, and you're a lot more relaxed, okay?

All those worldly benefits happen naturally if you meditate. That's why my claim is that as a teacher, I fail to understand why people don't meditate every day. It baffles me, because if you meditate every day, you're so much better off physically, professionally, emotionally, intellectually, you name it. It's so important, meditation, what it can do for you. Try this. You meditate for about every day, for half an hour to an hour, for about two or three weeks every day now. Then you stop. You see a difference right away. That day, you stop for the next two days, you lack energy. You become grouchy. You feel like yelling at boys, making faces at them, okay? There's a big difference right away. That's why meditation is critical, because it enhances your life in a way that material things, material things cannot provide you, okay?

So anyway, so the worldly benefits are inherent in meditation. That's why Mahayana, when we teach Mahayana, we rarely mention it because it's natural. You meditate, you got all those things we have. You have headaches, headaches go away. Granted, at first, your legs have to hurt a little bit. There's a price to pay, a little for a long time for some people. After six years, she still complains about her leg pain. So it tells you how long it took for her. And this woman has not given up yet, okay?

So the point here is that there is a certain price to pay. You cannot expect to get something for nothing. You have to work for it. You have to train yourself for it. No different than you want to become stronger physically. You need to go to the gym and lift weight, okay? And lifting weight is painful. It's painful at first. It's not free, okay? But once you get going, you feel better, you feel good, your stamina increases, you become stronger, and you can do a lot more. You can lift boys with one finger, one hand. All right, you see? There is a price to pay. But it's not something that is haphazard. It's not like you go to the gym, there's a way to train yourself in order for you to become stronger and physically more fit. Same thing with meditation. There's a methodology behind these trainings so that we help you get those benefits without hurting yourself, okay? And quicker. Okay? All right.

The second kind of benefit is what is called mindfulness, called mindfulness meditation. And that's what the Theravadans teach. They stress more on mindfulness and peace of mind.

Mindfulness. What's the advantage of mindfulness? What's the point in mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness meditation is not like most people understand it. Most people teach it. Mindfulness meditation is for the purpose of ending your suffering. People can say mindfulness. You can say, "I'm teaching mindfulness meditation". But really, the ultimate form of mindfulness meditation is for you to end suffering and attain this. Let's be clear about it. The teachers who teach mindfulness meditation, okay? The best teachers of mindfulness meditation in my mind, there's no standard, of course. I'm just making up things as I go along.

The best teachers of mindfulness meditation are the ones whose purpose is to help you end suffering and attain bliss. How many of you have heard that from a mindfulness meditation teacher? I know you've been to at least a few of them, because that's what all they are teaching right now out there, okay? If they teach mindfulness meditation without bringing you to the point of ending suffering, meaning you have no more suffering. That's what ending suffering means. You feel no more suffering and you feel only bliss. That's the highest form of mindfulness meditation to me. And if someone says, I teach mindfulness meditation, okay, but they don't bring you to that level, then I call it worldly meditation. I don't call it mindfulness meditation because they don't understand mindfulness meditation, yet they still dwell on the worldly benefits.

The mindfulness meditation is in order for you to transcend all your sufferings. And when you happen to have, after you have transcended all your suffering, you experience only bliss all the time, okay? This no more suffering, there's only only bliss. The best mindfulness meditation teachers are the one whose purpose is to bring you, to help you, to train you to end all your sufferings and be blissful all the time. That's the best meditation, mindfulness. Meditation teachers for you. It's no more suffering, okay? You see, in order to get there, your body has to be very healthy, okay? Your stress level to be virtually nonexistent. You see that? So why bother talk about worldly benefits? The mindfulness meditation benefits will be built on top of the worldly benefits naturally. Is it clear? Is it clear to all of you that if you practice mindfulness meditation, dies for mindfulness meditation, okay? Then you also get all the worldly benefits naturally without even having to worry about it. Is it clear? So again, if you learn meditation and you say, I learn mindfulness meditation, it should be for the purpose of ending all your sufferings and only experience bliss, then I would call that you are a mindfulness meditator. If not, I call you worldly meditator. Okay? Questions about this? Yes. So how do you end suffering and attain bliss? You end suffering by how?

Audience: With mindfulness.

With mindfulness? Yes. Okay, how do you attain bliss? Bliss is, by the way. Bliss is a very Buddhist technical term. It's not bliss that you talk, other people talk out there. People talk bliss out there is more like ecstasy or whatever. Not the drugs, the other kind of ecstasy. Okay? Okay. Bliss in Buddhist term, it's the incredible happiness you sense when you enter Samadhi. It's called bliss. If you concentrate to the point where you enter samadhi, okay? Then you experience bliss naturally. So the Buddhist talk about bliss because it's a state that's associated with concentration power. Okay? And that state is very, very blissful. It is so wonderful. It's so much better than the bliss as the worldly people talk about. It's called sensual pleasures. As they call the worldly people bliss, it actually refers to sensual pleasures. The bliss for the Buddhists is transcendental pleasure, much more intense form of pleasure. So much more. Yes? ok? All right, so bliss is a state of Samadhi, if you will. If you have bliss. When you mention the word bliss in Buddhism, bliss here refers to what you experience when you enter Samadhi naturally.

You don't have to ask. I got I enter Samadhi. And Sarah says "I enter Samadhi. Master, where is the bliss you promised me?" Okay, you don't have to worry about it. Once you enter Samadhi, you experience bliss naturally. Okay? So you experience bliss if you mindfulness meditation is that you're always in Samadhi. The highest form of mindfulness meditation is to teach you to be in Samadhi constantly. That's why you're always blissful. Is it clear? Even after you exit Samadhi, your bliss becomes deteriorate, but it sometimes lasts for days, weeks, months. It depends on your depth of Samadhi, your form of Samadhi, okay? For example, when I first started meditating I entered Samadhi, and sometimes the bliss would last for about 24 hours. After 24 hours it started to degrade. After 24 hours, you don't feel blissful anymore, okay? And sometimes it would last for a few days. Okay? So any questions? Okay. So bliss is associated with samadhi. You enter samadhi, you exit samadhi, you still are very bliss, very, very blissful. What is ending suffering?

Remember, mindfulness meditation has two goals: to attain bliss and end suffering. Okay? We talked about obtaining bliss, okay? If you concentrate to the point where you're able to enter samadhi, then you experience bliss. We talked about that now. How about ending suffering? What does it entail? Yes. XianJie. What is ending suffering? You're not sleepy anymore? You're not sleepy anymore? I assure you sleepiness is a form of suffering. Yes? Okay, so how do you end suffering? Yes, very good. Okay. The reason you suffer is because of attachments. Okay?

Yes. Think about this. This is the nature of our confusion. Think about this. For example, you like your car so much that when you get a door ding in the parking lot, you feel very bad, right? You feel violated. I remember the first time I parked, this is a long, long time ago, okay? I'm not as vain as it used to be, but a long, long time ago I had a BMW. And I parked in Winter shopping center and parked there, came out, somebody smashed it and took the stereo, a bowpunk stereo. Okay? Now, I was insured but I never felt the same again. The car, I didn't like the car anymore. You feel violated. It's no longer the same car that you drive because somebody else violated it. I know. And it's so deflating because I didn't enjoy driving the car anymore. Okay, think about it. Yeah. You look at me. You look at me. Yeah, I still feel the same way. By the way, about that car.

Audience: The feeling is gone. The suffering is gone. It's good?

The feeling is gone. But the story I just told you is. Your feeling may be gone, but your mind is still scarred. In the back of your mind, you're not happy about it. You see, as you can feel when I talk about my first BMW, how unhappy I still feel violated. You see that? You still feel there's still a scar you will. You still remember in your mind. That's what we call, that's what Sarah refers to as attachment. I'm still attached to that car. The fact is violated. So you still have a scar here, okay? That is suffering. You may forget about it. Yes. After three or four times, the pain decreases, the suffering diffuses. But what does not decrease is in here. Physically, emotionally it decreases, but mentally is still here. You still have a scar up here.

Ask anyone who's divorced, they will tell you. Or who's planning to divorce, they will tell you. Why? I'm getting divorced because I don't like my husband anymore, okay? And you know what? They carry that same mindset to the next marriage. I don't like him. That's why I marry you, okay? And the husband says, oh my God, if she doesn't like him that bad, that badly, then I could be next. Right? Okay, you see, the point here is that mentally we have a scar and that's still hurting us, okay? And that's what Sarah is talking about. No one remember. The BMW is gone. Remember, the husband is gone already, okay? But still, it's still up here. And that's called attachment. You still attach to it mentally. You still picture in your mind. It's better to get divorced and then erase it from your mind. Now I call total divorce. That's the end of suffering. You see that? If you erase from your mind, you have no more attachment, then it's no more suffering. As long as you have a scar up here, it still bothers you when you talk about it. Like my car, I don't like that BMW anymore, okay? Yes.

Audience: Meditation is one to suffer (inaudible)

is no more suffering.

Audience: How many times take this?

Oh, about five times. Easy. If you're good, five times. You're not that good, 5 million lifetimes. A long time if you're not good. Like me, I'm not there yet, so I talk about it. I'm not there. I'm on my 499,000 times, I'm still not there yet. I'm kidding. The point here is that let's not be greedy, let's not be unrealistic, okay? I'm only paint you a picture of Nirvana. I'm not there yet. So I'm like a salesman. I'm only making you a promise, okay? It's good to know about it. It gives us a hope. Okay? Because this is why I get divorced in the first place. I said, I don't like you anymore. I divorce you, woman. And then I thought, I move on to a better woman. And guess what? Same problem.

All together: Hahahahaha

Okay? Why? See, it's because of attachment. You think you're smart, but getting rid of one actually you carry the same problem to the next. So when you get to be as old I am, I say, oh, forget it. I'm not getting divorced anymore. It's hopeless. Okay? So the point here is that nature of suffering is what? Because of attachment. Why are you attached in the first place? Why?

Audience: Human nature.

Human nature? Okay, human nature.

Roberta: But it's true. It's a bummer.

Because we choose to. So, yeah. You want to. You say, oh, I want to be loved. Yeah. You know we're talking. Let's be real. We want to be loved, don't we? We want to feel potent. I mean important. hahahaha Important. hahaha. Okay? We want to feel loved. You want to be liked. you see? When I,... Every time I lecture. Let me tell you a little secret. Please pay attention to this. You apprentice monks. When I sit up here, you see two groups of people, women and men. And there's a clear delineation why we separate women from men. It's not because of many reasons, but the main reason for me is, I say when I look at this side. I say, "like me. like me. I'm pretty. I'm desirable. Like me." Okay? I remind myself. Over here. What's it over here? On the men side, sir. What's the men side? What are you? Yeah. There's a clear lineation for us. So the men side what do the men want? Boys. What do they want?

Audience: Like me.


Mireya: Obey me.

Close. Very good. This is a woman who understands men. Obey me. What's obey me. Why do you need to obey me? Because?

Roberta: They are the boss.

I'm important. Men's weakness is that "I'm important. Yeah. I'm important." Right? Right? This is why I decided to become a monk in the first place.

All together: Hahahaha. Hahahaha.

Men's weaknesses is "I'm important". Women's weaknesses is "like me". This is why this guy does so well. He goes to all his clients and say. "Oh, I like you so much. That's why I drive a long way to get here. It took me half an hour to drive to say hello and tell you something. Because I like you". And women eat it up. Right? Right, Robert?

Robert: I think so.

So he's dangerous.

Robert: I am dangerous?

Yeah. Because if you understand women, you know, then you can sell anything to them. Anything. Anything. Anything. I like you so much. That's why I bring you a vacuum cleaner. Look at how nice, look at how beautiful you look when you're pushing it.

All together: hahaha.

Okay? This is what happens to women. The good sales people, by the way, are the one who get the women to like them first. They don't sell. The good salesmen get the women to like them first. That's right. But men are different. Man is slightly different. They like they like to be liked, but what's more important to them is that they need to feel important. That's the attachment. That's what she says. The women says he's the boss. Roberta says he's the boss. Yeah?

Robert: But different cultures are very different.

You mean it's different for you Caucasians?

Robert: I've noticed that the importance is more in Asian culture.

Than Caucasians?

Robert: Yeah.

Is that right? Roberta?

Roberta: What did he just say?

He says that he claims that the Asians are stuck on being important. The Asian men are stuck on being important. More so than Caucasian?

Roberta: More than Caucasians? Yeah, I think so. I don't know though, now I don't know if I agree with that totally. I think any man, most of the men, I met.

Just forget. he's your son for a change.

Roberta: I think men, they want to be important. They do. And they want to, they wanna succeed. They want to succeed and be important.

Success because it's important.

Robert: I am not saying that a Caucasian man doesn't want to be important, I am saying that.

not as strongly as the Asians.

Robert: The reciprocation. The female is more conducive to making it more important than a Caucasian woman. That's my observation.

Okay, I'm not going there, but.

All together: hahaha

Let's keep it PG-13. I'm willing to go out on limps(?) So far, but not the small branches, not the twigs. But the point here is that in our society, our society, okay? I think it's a double standard. And the men has a sense of power. That's why the males are, boys are groomed to be important, to be preferred, to do the authority. The women are groomed somehow to be like "like me". So I notice. yes or no?

Mireya: Hispanic culture say that.

This case is Hispanics? True in Asia.

Mireya: I think it's same, Asia and Hispanic people.

I think, even in this country, the women put on makeup and all those things. What for? "Like me, like me, like me". What?

Robert: For other women? Primarily.

for other women?

Robert: primarily.

Roberta: They want to look better than the other. Or what? Or compete with it. Robert?

Well, same thing with men. Men want to be more important than other men. It's always a competition. But the thing is that women are more somehow in our society, in human society, we groom them to be approved, to be liked. That's the attachment. Very, very heavy attachment. Okay.

Mireya: I am trying to get rid of it.

You're trying to get rid of. I know I know. Hallelujah. Okay? I think I lost some quite a few people. So let's go to lunch. Who cares?

Mireya: Master. and Chan. Did you how to get them...? (잘 안들림)

Oh, very good. We can elaborate more next time. But basically the highest form of meditation in third form? Is to help you see the Buddha nature. It's also part of mindfulness. Okay? The mindfulness is only actually a lower form, a lower form of bliss. The Chan bliss is much higher. Actually, the mindfulness meditation still has some suffering, still is suffering, but they're not aware of it. The Chan will eliminate totally all suffering. And it's incredibly blissful. The bliss you experience from the Mahayana, from seeing the Buddha nature, is no comparison to the bliss you experience in the mindfulness meditation. There's no comparison at all. You can't even compare. Yes.

Audience: When you started meditation is good and your life change. But all the bad things is happening in my life. I see. When they go to the meditation level through level, I like it. But all the things happen, bad and bad and bad. I lost too much things. When the meditation live one side, the things bad to me.

Ah. Very good. The question is that you have a lot of things that are making you unhappy. Right? And how does meditation help? Okay? Meditation helps, help you in two ways. Number one, help you understand why bad things are happening. You need to understand if things happen to you in a bad way and just keep on happening, you have no clues. Then it's very difficult for you to resolve it. So that's number two. If you understand, then you learn ways to resolve those problems. Meditation helps you solve those problems and stop those bad things. That's the only way for you to be able to experience bliss. You're not going to experience bliss if those bad things bother you. Okay? So meditation will eventually help you solve those problems or deal with those problems more effectively. Okay? Does that help? It will help you become clear your head and help you know how to solve these problems more effectively so that you put an end to these problems. Okay? Okay. Yes.

XianJie: Shifu. Could I just ask a technical question? In meditating recently, I keep noticing like my head leaning forward. And when I notice that, first of all, we're not supposed to move. But if I notice like that, I should straighten out, right? Or should I just completely ignore it and say, oh, well, that's not where my head is, and leave it there, or just keep I should make that.

Why does it move?

XianJie: I don't know. I don't know.

Why does it move? Is it physical movement or is it you telling us how you move?

XianJie: No, it's just like an unconscious moving.


XianJie: Then I find myself slowly, suddenly I realize, oh, my head is like forward here.

It's two kinds of movements. Number one is a movement from your mind. It says. Your mind is directing the physical movement. And the other is involuntary. It doesn't come from your conscious mind. Okay? So in meditation, you can learn to control yourself. You control your body so that you should direct. You don't move. But sometimes it's things that will make your body move. You can't help it. Okay? Those things, you let it happen naturally. You don't have to do anything. Eventually it take care of itself. Okay? Instead of correcting yourself and correcting your head, you focus more strongly in your navel will correct itself. And what I'm teaching you is not even to strike a thought, to fix it. You just concentrate on your navel more. That's all you do. You don't fix it. That's a lower form. That's mindfulness meditation, you fix it.

Mahayana meditation, you focus on your navel. That's the difference. You understand? The mindfulness meditation teacher will tell you to correct it. Okay? Because they don't understand. But you go to Mahayana meditation, we tell you to go to the naval. That's all you do. We don't do anything. It will fix itself. Nonaction. No karma. Okay? We can talk some more next time because it's 11 O'clock. So Let's go lunch. Let's end our suffering, end our hunger and enjoy the food. Slowly just like anything else. It takes time to fix it gradually. You want to fix it? You will find a way to fix it. You have to accept the suffering by the way. You realize you have a problem, there must be a solution for you. Just keep looking for something until it goes away. Thank you.

매거진의 이전글 la meditación Chan (Zoom)
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