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by 현안 XianAn 스님 Nov 10. 2022

Winter Chan Meditation Retreat

Our intensive Chan retreat@JC SeonCenter

Our intensive Chan retreat offers a rare opportunity to experience authentic training in Chan Buddhist meditation at our way places, Wei Mountain Temple in Rosemead, Gold Forest Chan Meditation Center in San Jose, Jewel Mountain Temple and Jewel Conch in South Korea. 

Those who are sincere and willing to work hard, can experience life transforming changes: improve in health, develop concentration (samadhi), and progress on the Buddha’s path to enlightenment and wisdom.

Chan Buddhism is the root practice that became known as Zen in Japan and the West. As the traditional Chan is very intensive, participants should follow as much of the schedule as they are able to and can take additional rests as necessary.

This retreat is a perfect opportunity for those interested in residential training to experience cultivation under the guidance of Dharma Master YongHua. To prepare for this retreat, you may find it helpful to practice according Master YongHua's .Chan Handbook. Offered on a donation basis, the retreat is open to both full and part-time participation. Come for a single sit, a day or a week. Please  us to sign up for the retreat and for more information if you would like to stay overnight during the retreat. 

Please contact 010-9262-441 (Text your name / ChanQi to register).

For beginners, please join Sunday meditation class from 3pm to 5pm.

Text to register (text your name / Sunday Chan class)

JC Seon Center

매거진의 이전글 Buddhist Meditation@BongEunSa
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