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by 이민 Sep 18. 2023

Setting Buildings Sector SBTs

Tips for SBTi Disclosure in the Building

Tips for SBTi Disclosure in the Building Sector

Building GHG Reduction Goals

Setting Building GHG Reduction Targets

Setting GHG Reduction Targets for Buildings

On September 12th, the UNEP released a report titled "Building Materials and Climate."

Why did they specifically focus on the construction materials sector in this report?

It's because the building and construction sector happens to be one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. From the production and use of materials like cement, steel, aluminum to the operation of buildings, including heating, cooling, and lighting, the building and construction sector is responsible for approximately 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

However, reducing carbon emissions in the construction process is a challenging task. Therefore, current efforts in the building and construction sector primarily focus on reducing carbon emissions during the operation of buildings. In line with this, SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative) released guidelines for setting reduction targets in the building sector last May.

The methodology for calculating scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in these guidelines is consistent with the SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard.

Permitted target-setting methods for relevant scope categories

But there are additional requirements for setting building targets.

The first requirement is to avoid the use of fossil fuels. To achieve SBTi verification, it must be stated that no new fossil fuel-based heating and cooking equipment will be added to the building portfolio.

The second requirement is energy efficiency in buildings. To achieve SBTi verification, it must be stated that buildings will be improved according to the energy reduction pathways of CRREM (Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor) to reduce energy demand.

As the building area is expected to continue growing steadily, accounting for about one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions, reporting on greenhouse gas emissions in the building and construction sector becomes even more critical. Therefore, it might be a good idea to review your greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, considering these additional requirements carefully.


UNEP(2023), Building materials and the climate: constructing a new future

SBTi(2023), Buildings sector science based target setting guidance

IEA(2022), IEA Tracking report-buildings

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