
You can make anything
by writing


by Dae Kyun Kim Nov 28. 2021

11월28일토익후기 방송 후 맛집탐방 by 김대균토익킹

11월28일토익후기 방송 후 맛집탐방 by 김대균토익킹

11월28일토익후기 방송 후 맛집탐방 by 김대균토익킹

'11월28일토익후기 by 김대균토익킹' 보기

YouTube에서 '11월28일토익후기 요약총평 by 김대균토익킹' 보기

Part 1

​1. arranging items on a plate.

2. Cups have been placed ...

3.  opening a toolbox

4.  using a telephone.

5. Notices have been stuck ...

6. A television has been set ...

Part 5

102. now

106. every

109. they

110. because

113. for

114. caution

115. carefully

116. whatever

117. but

124. through

127. keep

128. impressed

129. complicated

Part 6

131. opportunity (to serve)

132. miss

133. Please stop by . . . in one of those neighborhoods.

134. support

135. may have noticed

136. categories

137. These include plastic food wrappers. . .

140. . . .between to and ten years old are eligible.

146. There is no charge to this network.




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