
You can make anything
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by 김동섭 Jan 23. 2020

Commonality across Cultures

Is Music Similar Across Cultures? Yes, I can say music is a universal language, not only in the way people in the world can notice what is the purpose of a music piece, but in the way love, dance, lullaby, and healing songs have similar patterns in melody and rhythm. According to the researchers who studied  this, music has a link with human behaviors such as dancing, loving, healing and touching. Glowacki, one of the researchers, thought of musical patterns across cultures amazingly similar in the same music category. 

I do not think this fact is not a surprise since we are able to distinguish  the differences among songs from different regions though, at the same time, we share the same feeling listening to each song. In my case, slow songs and upbeat songs are intriguing though, slow songs have the power to move my mind more deeply and strongly.

Some researches in Korea and India have found there is a strong similarity between Korean traditional music and southern Indian traditional music, and they assert that there should be an active cultural exchange in ancient times which was not apparently recorded in history. Southern Indians’ traditional dance at present is, however, distinguished from the counterpart in Korea. Nevertheless, each other’s traditional music matches each other’s traditional dance. So, I might say the dances have changed in form but the musical rhythm and melody still keep their forms. 

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