
You can make anything
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by 김동섭 Feb 17. 2020

Biz Ideas of Self-driving Cars

An Argo self-driving car is tested in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jan. 22, 2018. Argo is a company own

There are many auto-driving car companies, like Aptive, Waymo, Cruise, and Argo. Most of the companies are interested in the business of robotaxi, but Argo AI think that there are many applications and businesses to be built by AI technology.

Argo is the AI technology partner of Ford Motor Company And Volkswagen AG. Its business plan is base on profit-sharing; iIt wants to charge its partners, Ford and VW fees based on the distance travelled by vehicles equipped with Argo’s technology, such as long-distance trucking for e-commerce. 

However, I would like the idea of robotaxi, since self-driving cars are more efficient. In my personal opinion, autonomous cars are much safer, despite of arguments about the safety. Of course, there will be positive effects and negative effects, and one of the latter is that there could be many occupational drivers who will lose their jobs. Nonetheless, some jobs have been disappeared and new jobs are generated in historical contexts. Training those people and finding them new jobs are each nation’s accountability. 

One of the advantages brought by driverless cars is to reduce car accidents by human errors, such as drowsiness, narrow field of view, and so on. The second advantage is that it is beneficial for sharing car economy, in which not many people will own cars, but most people will rent cars only for the hours of need. The third advantage is that people can do other things in cars but driving. They can watch movies, do some works and talk with someone on the phone. The time inside cars will not be the time to be wasted but productive.

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