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by 김동섭 Mar 05. 2020

City of the Future

The Smart City concept integrates information and communication technology, and various physical devices connected to the IoT network to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services for improving living conditions. That is related to things like energy, transportation, water supply, waste management, crime detection, hospitals, and other community services. Smart cities can be designed to greatly cut pollutions, reduce traffic problems and promote life conveniences.

This concept have known for years, but there was a special announcement during the yearly CES technology show in Las Vegas, by a global automaker Toyota that they would build a new smart city plan titled “Woven city” to test and develop recent technologies. The project would involve “building a complete and compact city from the ground up” at the foot of Japan’s Mount Fuji.

The Woven City is set to be a living laboratory for technologies including autonomous car systems, robotics, smart homes and artificial intelligence. The city will cover about 70 hectare of land and is designed to hold around 2,000 people. The city will have its own police officers, fire and emergency services and schools. The power to operate the systems of the city will generated from hydrogen fuel. The city is planned to be fully sustainable. All buildings will be made mostly of wood. Solar equipment to produce additional electricity.

Akio Toyoda said the city’s aim is to connect people, building and vehicles.So that researchers will carry out the test of “connected AI technology”. They are going to use high-end communication technology to assist with daily living. Homes will also be equipped with IoT sensors and system designed to observe and improve people's physical and mental health.

Akio Toyoda is the president of Toyota Motor Corporation. He said in a statement that the city will aim to connect people, buildings and vehicles. This will permit researchers to carry out important testing of “connected AI technology,” he said.

However, I would not want to live in the city,  if the permission was given to me. At present, we share our personal information with online service companies to enjoy better personalized services. I think that is enough to make our lives convenient. But the concept of Woven city seems to take too much personal information under guise of convenience and better life.


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