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by YM Nov 16. 2022

Bezos's waring for purchase

Daily Business Briefing / 2022.11.16 / Issue No. 176 / by YM

<Bezos urges Americans to wait on making big-ticket purchases>

“What I can tell you is the economy does not look great right now,” Bezos, who was alongside his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez, told Melas in the sit-down interview that aired Monday. “Things are slowing down. You’re seeing lay-offs in many, many sectors of the economy. People are slowing down.”

“The probabilities, say, if we’re not in a recession right now, we’re likely to be in one very soon,” Bezos added. “So my advice to people, whether they’re small business owners or, you know — is take some risk off the table. If you were going to make a purchase, maybe slow down that purchase a little bit. Keep some dry powder on hand.”

As the founder of Amazon, his remarks are considered quite unusual. Of course, Bezos' remarks may have other political reasons. Because his remarks overlap with the timing when Amazon announced it was firing 10,000 people. Starting with the United States, there is a growing sense of crisis over unemployment that workers do not want. This atmosphere is likely to spread rapidly around the world.

#amazon #bezos #lay-off

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