
You can make anything
by writing


by 비범한츈 Feb 10. 2017

상상력 자극하는  디자인 패키지 30개

창의적인 제품 패키지 디자인 모음

이런 패키지들은 아까워서 버리지도 못하겠네요 ㅋㅋ

1. 방금낳은 달걀

2. Trident gum

3. ButtCheeks Swimwear

4. Ford Ranger Extreme Matchbox

5. Note Earphones

6. Goldfish Tea bag

7. Festina waterproof watchces

8. Sugar Cube Puzzle

9. NYC spaghetti

10. Parmesan Pencils

11. Literal fruit juice packaging

12. oven cupcakes

13. Teepee amerindian herbal teas

14. Gnome bread packaging

15. hanger tea

16. germanium body soap

17, shumensko beer

18. fruity toilet paper

19. kleenex

20. pasta

21. TRUE air fresheners

22. blossom cava sparkling wine

23. blood of grapes wine

24. handy nails

25. beehive honey squares

26. poilu paint brushes

27. bla bla biscuits

28. the bees knees honey

29. Japanese pastry packaging

30. butterfly tea

프레젠테이션 디자인 페이지를 좋아요 하시면 최신 디자인 트렌드를 실시간으로 받을 수 있습니다. 

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