
You can make anything
by writing


Courage to cry out

Bartimaeus our teacher

"Jesus, son of David, have pity on me"(Mk 10,47).

Have you ever cried out to Jesus because you were in great dangers or distresses?

Even if we are in that situation, we are hesitant to cry out because we are shy and embarrased to be noticed out by others.

Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, who was blind had a gut to dare to cry out to Jesus although people rebuked him to be silent. He was desperate and had courage to express how he was.

If our darkness is so great that what we could do is only begging, are we still going to be shy or embarrased to cry out? 

We are beggars by nature. We are not perfect and always need others' help including God.

Nevertheless, we tend to believe that we are self-sufficient, so Bartimaeus is our teacher because he knew that he could't see.

Are we really able to see and know what we are?

Do you think that you can see things with your own eyes?

We should ask the Lord to open our eyes so that we understand that we always need God. We must beg God to help us although people rebuke and make fun of us.

The real seeing is to see in a way Jesus saw and live in a way Jesus wants us to live. Bartimaeus who once was blind followed Jesus on the way after gaining his sight.

Taking courage, let's cry out, "Jesus, son of David, have pity on me."

매거진의 이전글 Let it be
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