
매거진 Dream Maker

You can make anything
by writing


by GordonSun Mar 08. 2018

What drives New Zealand change

New Zealand Report

  What will New Zealand lead to change? I thought about it. It is thought that it is an educational, cultural, and natural environment that leads change in New Zealand. These three are not working separately, but are organically well fused. They play a role in each other organically well. Education affects culture, culture affects the natural environment, and the natural environment influences the education. There is a healthy culture because there is a health education, and there is a healthy natural environment because there is a healthy culture. New Zealand is a country that is constantly growing under these strong bases and leading the world.                      

   First, I would like to talk about the field of education. It was indeed a surprise to see a week-long classroom lesson at the Ponsonby Intermediate School. The vision of the school, the passion of the teachers, the positive attitude of the students, and the school infrastructure that leads to creativity all caught my eye. This school was a body of educational community centered on the school's educational philosophy and vision. Growth Through Learning, Expressing Ourselves, Making Connections, Respect for Other People. These four things were practiced in the school community of Ponsonby as though they were jewels to possess.

  In the classroom instruction and the guidance of the students, I was able to feel the school's philosophy and vision of the school in the participating consciousness of the parents in the class participation and the school life. Especially, I was impressed that the teachers gave a voice. One person also acted in the same voice, the same behavior about the school's policies. I guided students in the same way. I thought that this consistent instruction would lead to student change. I was impressed by the fact that the school 's administrators, who often go around the classroom to support teachers and students in order to lead change in the school. That was not the unilateral guidance of the teacher. It led students to do positive actions, and no emotional instruction could be seen anywhere. This led to a passion for teachers' lessons. Teachers prepared classes to practice the vision of the school and formed a team for discussion and research. This provided the basis for the class to be passionate.   Teachers who were enthusiastic in the class were able to see students trying to induce creativity in classroom class. It was an atmosphere where students could freely express their opinions, an atmosphere that did not accuse anyone of being wrong, an expression in which any idea or any expression was accepted and respected. As a result of these classroom cultures, it was thought that students naturally concentrate on class, mutual cooperation among students, Students' positive minds are a measure of how well the school's vision works. In this place where students from various cultural backgrounds gathered, students were living as one family, respecting each other's culture. The value of this school is as follows.                      


  The students were practicing these values. The educational environment infrastructure was supporting teachers' enthusiasm and students' positive minds. There was a classroom dedicated to teachers in the form of Korean classroom class. So the teacher was able to decorate the classroom according to the nature of the subject matter. The teacher's passion was added to the vision of the school and it was dissolved in the classroom. In this classroom environment, students were expressing and expressing themselves confidently for their dreams. I felt that students could always be happy because it was a classroom culture that respects and cares not according to the level of the student's own cultural background but with respect. Classroom practice in this kind of educational environment, I was nervous, but I was not worried. It was because they already knew what the students were doing. It was because I thought it was an amazing experience that made me fall into the passion of that passion, too, and standing in front of students who have a positive mind and a passion for learning with a strong curiosity about something else. The subject I prepared was 'K-Pop'. It was about 30 minutes in the morning form time instead of the regular class time. It was a short time, but it was the best time to announce K-Pop. It was divided into a simple theory about K-Pop and a practical dance part. It was regrettable that the time spent in the theoretical section was too short in the latter part of the practical training. It was the final goal of expressing the students' K-Pop directly by gesturing. I was very sorry that I could not have such a time. But it was a rewarding lesson that everyone seemed to have a good impression of the Korean Wave culture with K-Pop dancing together. After I practiced the class, I became confident about the English class and became aware of the importance of the cultural class.                      

   Second, culture leads to change in New Zealand. This country, like any developed country, does not reject cultural diversity but rather acts as a so-called Melting pot, which accepts it as it is and permeates it into its own culture. As I said in education that respect diversity, New Zealand is a place where diverse cultures coexist. What is particularly striking is that the entire country is making efforts to acquire Maori culture, which is an old cultural tradition and language. If you did not learn Maori culture, life itself was difficult. So, I was teaching Maori language and culture as a curriculum. In the country, the Maori language was used in city names, traffic signs, various information materials and homepage. This effort to respect and acquire the old traditional culture and language seemed enviable. One example is the Hauora at Ponsonby School. Hauora means a unique Maori philosophy of health.                       

    In terms of culture, there was a great deal of learning about New Zealand citizens' consciousness following the whole country's initiative in applying it directly to the school scene. It was the opportunity to know how important philosophy is. Education without philosophy has come to the point that education without vision is like a ship that lost its goal.

  Finally, it is the natural environment that drives change in New Zealand. The natural environment can be said to replace the personality of the people of the country. Wherever you go, you can see green grass and trees, clear blue skies, and clean water like a mellow sun. I think that this natural environment made the nature of kiwis gentle and leisurely, honest, righteous, positive and transparent. There is a statistic that kiwis are the most integrity when comparing the integrity of government officials. The crime rate is also known to be the least.                      

  I think it is education, culture, and the natural environment that drives change in New Zealand through 13 days of living in New Zealand. I think that these three are organically interacting and leading the national development. School education where creativity and diversity are respected, respect for the old culture led by the state, and the clean natural environment that envelops them like the mother's bosom will come to the conclusion that change in New Zealand is probably natural.

What you want to apply at school

1. House teams: As in the movie Harry Potter, students are divided into teams (Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin) and scores according to their activities. Ponsonby divides students into Rimu (yellow), Totara (blue), Puriri (red) and Kauri (green). It is divided into four teams within the same class. In this way, all students are different from each other in grade, but they work together in athletic competitions.

2. Form time: It is time for homeroom consultation in our country. But the time is 45 minutes, which corresponds to one teaching period. Through this time, the teacher can check the status of the class students and prepare various activities to grasp the students. It also has simple physical activities such as running.

3. Performance time: Teaching elements that can demonstrate creativity and teaching elements that express oneself are put into all classes. Students must have time to present it individually or by team.

4. Class rules: Simple and clear school values are presented in the most visible places in the classroom. Classroom rules that everyone can practice are presented in the classroom so students can check them at any time.

5. Flexible classroom: Not only the value of the school but also the classroom that is decorated with the works of the students, the classroom environment that varies according to the class personality, the classroom atmosphere where the students' autonomy is respected.

6. Management class time: Form time and Kori(play) before morning class start. After the second lesson, 25 minutes of rest, 50 minutes of lunch time, 15 minutes of SSR(Sustained Silent Reading; Time to calm down) after lunch. We have enough breaks to ensure that our students are faithful to their classes.


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