do you cause for yourself?
What kind of stress do you cause for yourself?
<첨삭받은 대로 고쳐 쓴 글>
What kind of stress do I cause for myself? When it comes to cleaning the house, I have so much stress. I don't like doing household chores, such as cleaning the house especially the bathroom, washing clothes, and making dishes.
Then why do I have such stress only for cleaning the house? I think it is because of my mom, who was so clean and tried many ways to be perfect in housekeeping. She always insisted us, my family, to clean the house every Sunday. Even though we had many things to do, but we had to be very busy only to clean the house. Therefore, I know how clean the house should be.
When I visit my friend's house, I can feel it's not as clean as mine. However, she still doesn't get stressed with her house. But why am I stressed with my house? I always think it should be cleaner. The problem the lack of action. Therefore, it becomes my stress. When I am stressed, I read a very romantic novel with coffee and delicious cookies. It's the only way to solve my stress.
<내가 기억해야 할 것들>
What kind of stress do I cause for myself? When it comes to clean (cleaning) the house, I have so much stress. I don't like doing household chores, such as cleaning the house especially (the) bathroom, washing clothes, (and) making dishes, etc(X).
to 다음에 자동 빵으로 동사원형이 나왔는데 여긴 아니구나. 하하 그렇지. 여긴 다른 거지. When it comes to cleaning the house,
우리 집 목욕탕이니까 정관사 써야 한다. cleaning the house especially the bathroom
콤마 콤마 콤마 그리고 앤드.. 그치. the bathroom, washing clothes, and making dishes.
etc가 굳이 필요 없구나.
Then why do I have such stress only for cleaning the house? I think it is because of my mom(,) who was so clean and tried many ways to be perfect for (in) housekeeping. She always insisted us, my family, to clean the house on(X) every Sunday. Even though we had many things to do, but we had to be very busy only to clean the house. Therefore(,) I know how clean the house should be.
그치. 없어도 뜻이 안 되는 건 아니니까 콤마 후 관계대명사. I think it is because of my mom, who was so clean and tried many ways to be perfect in housekeeping.
퍼펙트 훠 가 아니라 인! perfect in housekeeping
오호 에브리 선데이에 온이 필요 없구나. 에브리가 붙으면 온이 필요 없구나. 아하. 꼭 기억하자. 온이야 에브리냐.. 둘 중 하나만! 오케이! to clean the house every Sunday.
Therefore 다음에 반드시 콤마!
When I visit my friend's house, I can feel it's not as clean as mine. However(,) she still doesn't have any stress at all on the (get stressed with her) house. But why do I have to get a stress on (am I stressed with) my house? I always think it should be more clean (cleaner). The problem is that it's only thinking, I don't move.(BETTER: The problem the lack of action.) Therefore(,) it becomes my stress. When I have a stress (am stressed,) I read (a) very romantic novel with coffee and delicious cookies. It's the only way to solve my stress.
However 뒤에 콤마
집에 스트레스받지 않았다... 해브 스트레스가 아니라 겟 스트레스드 위드... 아하 She still doesn't get stressed with her house.
아하 간단하게 요렇게. But why am I stressed with my house?
좀 더 깨끗하게... 모어 쓰지 말고 비교급으로. 그치. it should be cleaner.
오홋. 생각뿐 행동이 없다.. 돈 무브니 그리 구구절절이 슬 게 아니라 깔끔하게 랙 오브 액션. 좋아요 하하 The problem is the lack of action.
Therefore 뒤에 콤마! 잊지 말자.
해브 어 스트레스 가 아니라 엠 스트레스드... When I am stressed,
오호 그냥 소설책은 안되지. 반드시 관사가 붙어야지! a very romantic novel
<그리고 딸려온 특별 멘트>
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