
You can make anything
by writing


by 루나 Apr 28. 2020

Prelude to the birth of A.I.

The story behind the birth of A.I.

People studied birds to achieve the humankind’s dream of flying over the blue sky.

Looking at Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, we can see how thoroughly he studied the wings of birds.

Eventually, the Wright brothers flew up the beach at Kitty Hawk,

and now, we can fly much faster than the Andean Condor.

The Sputnik spacecraft enabled the journey out of the Earth,

Human-made airship is now traveling beyond our solar system,

and humans are dreaming of moving to Mars.

Here’s the thing, this isn’t the end.

Humans were able to make an enormous amount of calculations with the invention of computers.

Recognizing pictures, however, was a long way off.

Unlike humans who easily recognize hand-written numbers, computers accept handwritings in pixels, and ultimately in matrices. Thus, they could not recognize even slightly curved, distorted numbers.

Recognizing different kinds of cats was much more difficult, almost impossible for computers.

From there, machines with 'intelligence', rather than 'calculation ability', was pursued.

Study about human brains have started.

In 1943, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitss modelled brain cells for the first time.

It may sound like a simple job, but we couldn’t imagine the amount of effort put into the study.

In 1949, Donald Olding Hebb from Canada presents <Hebbian Theory>.

“Human learning means to strengthen the connection of neurons.

About 10 years later, in 1958, Frank Rosenblatt comes up with 'perceptron', by adding weights to Pitss’s model and the Hebbian theory.

How did he think of adding weights?

This newly introduced perceptron was able to identify gender from pictures of people.

At the time, the New York Times covered this commenting

“World’s first recognizing machine perceptron”,

“The era of Artificial Intelligence will arrive”.

Kunwoo “Redpine” Kwon

I entered University with a dream of becoming a civil servant, but came to be fascinated by Eastern and Western culture. After a long exploration, I met the masters in Insa-dong, Seoul, in Hanam Province, China, and Silicon Valley. Nowadays, I came back into the world, and is taking on a new challenge of uniting East-West culture.

Former technical architect in Samsung SDS
Present CEO of Wedatalab
Present Director of D-Lab Academy
Present adjunct professor in Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University  
Present chairman of Chen Xiaowang Taijiquan Seoul Branch

#EastWestCulture #Wedatalab #Calligraphy #ChenxiaowangTaijiquan

Ryoung “Luna” Heo

I majored in computer science and software engineering, and now I work on analyzing, designing and implementing financial products and services. After learning the mind map concept when I was in college, I realized how to think simply and happily. After understanding the concept of modeling in software engineering, I am studying modeling using mind map. In addition to the engineering approach to the world, I constantly explore for great enlightenment and try to cross the border between myself and the world with calligraphy, tai chi, and more.

#WonBuddhism #Enlightenment #mindmap #modeling #Calligraphy #ChenxiaowangTaijiquan #CheonSangByeong


I am a student studying Economics and Sociology. Beyond my major, there are so many interesting things going on in this world. Appreciating every chance of learning new things and becoming a better person everyday.

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