
You can make anything
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by 공연 보는 휘 May 16. 2020

현대영미드라마 2020 봄 학회 발표

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins's Appropriate

현대영미드라마 2020 봄 정기학술대회에서 Branden Jacobs-Jenkins의 Appropriate (2013)에 대해 발표했습니다. Teresa Goddu와 Eric Savoy의 과거와 현재를 잇는 집으로서의 미국 고딕 전통을 따라 아프리칸 아메리칸 고딕의 계보를 살핀 후, 현대 아프리칸 아메리칸 고딕 "연극"으로서 Appropriate를 살폈습니다. 특히 Harvey Young의 이론을 통해 극중에 등장하는 “기념품”으로 간직되는 파편화된 린치된 몸체와 고딕적 울림으로서의 매미소리를 논하였습니다.

Appropriate, directed by Liesl Tommy, at Signature Theatre. (© Joan Marcus)


The Horror of Antebellum South Haunting on Stage:  Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s Appropriate (2013)

Unlike the English tradition, the crux that haunts the American Gothic narrative is not a monster or specter. Instead, what is behind the ghosts, dread, and suspense of the American Gothic narrative is unresolved trauma from the start of its nation. The ghosts of the past haunt the house of the United States, where its descendants dwell with the myth of the hope and liberty that has been indebted to the racialized “other.” In this aspect, this presentation focuses on African American Gothic devices that linger on stage of Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s play Appropriate (2013). Borrowing Harvey Young’s analysis on the lynched black body (part) as souvenir and living remain, I examine how Jacobs-Jenkins resists the status-quo of the cultural identity of the U.S. by disclosing the dreadful structure based on slavery, which is symbolized by the commodified, fetishized body (parts) in the tradition of early African American Gothic. Then, I further ask a question about how contemporary African American Gothic devices haunt the stage in Appropriate. If a house has been a traditional analogy for the nation, the U.S., what about the theater itself? By reading African American Gothic narratives as a connection between the past and the present in Teresa Goddu’s tradition, I argue that the theatre, “memory machine” (in Marvin Carlson’s term) can be read as a type of archive that cites back to its past generation and connects it to the present and even to the future. In the theater that houses the traumatic memories of the U.S., Appropriate summons stories that are not to be forgotten and maps out the memories on stage, the spatial ground that can be distinguished from other types of Gothic literature.

<PPT 일부>

매거진의 이전글 템플대학교 학회 발표: <더 헬멧: 룸서울>(2017)
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