2023-01-20 충전 산업 주요뉴스
대영채비, 설 명절 맞아 신규 회원에 크레딧 증정 이벤트 진행
▶ https://www.electimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=314512
모두의충전, ‘새해 복 많이 충전 이벤트’ 진행
▶ https://www.dailysecu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=142966
"전기차 대중화 시대온다"...통신사들이 충전 인프라에 주목하는 이유
▶ https://www.techm.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=105979
일론 머스크 스타링크는 왜 한국에 오나…기가팩토리 멀어진 한국 시장에 미칠 여파는
▶ https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/A2023011913420002689
[단독]차 안에 들어간 OTT…1분기 ‘웨이브’ 탑재 현대 전기차 나온다
▶ https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=03214406635479360&mediaCodeNo=257
[카&테크]벤츠 '고출력 충전 네트워크' 로드맵
▶ https://www.etnews.com/20230119000131
[카페 2030] 전기 충전소의 트럭 기사들
▶ https://www.chosun.com/opinion/cafe_2040/2023/01/20/I77V52YSOBABRMDQY3CAP3ZCR4/
헤르츠, 덴버시에 전기차 수천 대·충전기 제공
▶ https://m.wowtv.co.kr/NewsCenter/News/Read?articleId=A202301190295#_enliple
[초점] "배터리 생애주기 실시간 확인"…‘배터리 전자여권’ 시대 온다
▶ https://cmobile.g-enews.com/article/Global-Biz/2023/01/2023011914051627199a1f309431_1?md=20230119162750_V
"Hertz Electrifies" Launches in Denver; New Public-Private Partnership between Hertz and
Cities aims to Transform the Rental Car Industry and Accelerate Mainstream Consumer Adoption of Electric Vehicles
▶ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hertz-electrifies-launches-denver-public-133000676.html
Parliamentary Secretary Julie Dabrusin Announces New EV Chargers in B.C. and New Single Window for ZEV Infrastructure Applications
▶ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/parliamentary-secretary-julie-dabrusin-announces-190000714.html
BP makes an order for EV charging stations from US-based Tritium
NIO reaches 50,000 single-day battery swap services
▶ https://cnevpost.com/2023/01/17/nio-reaches-50000-single-day-battery-swap-services/