
You can make anything
by writing


by 골든로우 Aug 30. 2018

Grow Your Words

Words- Yes!

     The ' greatest enemy ' of learning English is memorizing words. When asked where is the least part of learning the English language, 90 out of 100 people say they lack words, when they understand the content. No matter how hard they memorize, they keep forgetting as I do.  I can't think of even the words I memorized yesterday. A week later, when asked, "When did I memorize the word?” A year later, I might say, "This is the first time  I've ever seen the words. "

       Suppose a person was talking about a minute or so after passing. How many people will notice if they run into each other in a week? Shall you regard him as someone you know a year from now? You may think it's someone you've never seen before. You try to identify a person's character for a minute upon meeting. You try hard to ask his name and memorize it. If you happen to meet a person by chance and you remember his or her name immediately, it's probably the result of at least 12 attempts to remember his or her name.

      Likewise, a person who says, ' No matter how hard I try, I forget ' lies. He forgot because he didn't try hard enough to memorize. The definition of ' to memorize ' is ' to keep it in your head so you can think again later. 'Failure to memorize words is not to have them in mind. It is a look at words, not a memory. You are under the illusion that you memorized what you have seen. It is as if you are mistaken for an acquaintance when passing by.

     Memorizing words is sometimes painful. Memorizing is hard and it takes a lot of energy to memorize the words. You can make an excuse to avoid this pain. Memorizing a word is either ‘doing it’ or ‘not doing it’. You should either memorize correctly or give up English. Let's stop making excuses.

Memorizing words 

with pictures

     One of the ways to memorize words for elementary school students is to memorize them with pictures. It is a way to have a picture book open and throw a word about everything you see. Practice opening a book in one's native language and naming things. It is not to let a word in your head. Practice speaking, looking at things in a picture. At the same time, you can learn how to use the dictionary by using the first language dictionary. 

     Looking at pictures and memorizing words is important not only for practicing how to express words in words, but also for preparing for an English interview. Nowadays, many people think about studying abroad at an early age, but admission to international schools in Korea, is also popular. Items required for international school admission are IELST test, SSAT test and English interview test. It is wise to practice in advance as there are cases when you explain a picture at an English interview at an international school.

Killing two birds 

with one stone.

      You must look at the words of the grammatical category. It is because we can know the sentence patterns in addition to the meaning of the word as we memorize the verbs that correspond to each sentence pattern. For example, there is a verb group that accompanies learning to infinitive in grammar. It is divided into two groups of verbs in the third and fifth sentence pattern, so you can not only memorize verbs, but also organize sentences and find core words, so if you memorize the words, you can learn grammar and the words that come with grammar.



associated words

         Another way to memorize words for school students is to memorize related words. Furthermore, it is a derivative of one word. If you learn a word for direction, you will not only know east, west, south, north but also eastern, western, southern, northern. You should let them taste even more expansion.

     I know a boy in third grade in elementary school who says the earth is the earth. He can also say hemisphere, equator, latitude, longitude, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean, Indian Ocean and so on. He can memorize about 20 related words.



your own synonyms

    Self-organization is something a student does while reading. It is to organize how to express the same content differently in a sentence. This arrangement of synonyms provides a great deal of physical strength in English.

Interest in less appealing species is often difficult to stir, but many less conspicuous species are important components of natural systems, even keystone species. Many inconspicuous species are vital to human welfare. Protecting species, regardless of how appealing they are, is vital to sustainability.

Synonym 1 - less appealing species
              = less conspicuous species
               = inconspicuous species 

Synonym 2 -  important
                    = vital = vital 

Synonym 3 – welfare
                    = sustainability

All three sentences written in difficult looking words are linked. Let's remember that they are linked by different words of the same meaning. If you list the words, you will finish organizing the synonyms and clear understanding of the text. Memorizing words is a must for English learners. If you have to speak English, you should set rules and set time to study actively.

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