
매거진 거리에서

You can make anything
by writing


by Jose Jan 02. 2023

New York - 98

The more I learn about photography, it only gets harder and harder. Compositions, colors, exposures, focuses, and so on. All the combinations of these each different element create almost infinite sets of style. 

"Should I add a little more red or blue?", "Should I add more deep shadow to make it richer?", or "Should I go retro with a little bit of grains or just go sharp without them?" Something like that.

Almost always I get lost in the open sets and it's excruciating to choose the ideal style, if there's any. But that's what makes photography mesmerizing. When I feel I've reached the, possibly, perfect set of combinations, nothing compares to the very exhilaration.

매거진의 이전글 NewJeans - Ditto [From 1985]
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