
You can make anything
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by 문 진영 Aug 23. 2023

[NBC news] 하와이 산불현장 바이든


the horrific wildfires that claimed at least 114 lives left 800 people still unaccounted for 

the president and first lady getting a firsthand look at the devastation on the ground in Lahaina

from the deadliest wildfire in recent US history 

he called the devastation overwhelming

the American people will stand with them as they rebuild as long as it takes

his first up-close look at the devastation

near the famed banyan tree

where search teams have scoured the debris filed for the missing

the country should grieve with you 

the official death toll here stands at 114

would have turned 15 yesterday

wrapped around his beloved dog

his laughters 그의 웃음소리

many who perished are believed to be children

put their lives in the line for us 

new harrowing video

shot this video

it was literally like walking through what you would imagine hell to be 

immediate necessities

it's a huge slap in the face

accountability 책임

the next tragedy

as the sorrow from this one many never ease

they hope to wrap that up over the next couple of days

they do fear the death toll will climb

바이든이 그의 부인과 함께 하와이 마우이 라하이나 화재현장을 찾았는데 주민들은 별로 반겨하지 않는 분위기다. 현재까지 114명이 사망하고 800명이 넘는 사람이 실종상태이다. 수색은 화재 현장의 85% 가량에서 이루어졌고, 남은 실종자를 모두 찾을 확률은 희박하다. 

정부의 대응이 잘못되었었다는 비판도 있지만, 바이든은 적절했다고 반박한다. 바이든은 언제까지나 하와이가 재건될 때까지 전 미국인들이 하와이와 함께할 것이라 말한다.

하와이 섬은 현재 슬픔에 잠겨있다. 

작가의 이전글 [NBC news] 트럼프 정리
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