
매거진 AI

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Kakao Algorithm Ethics Charter Amendment

Kakao’s Algorithm Ethics was first introduced in January 31st, 2018. Under the situation where Kakao’s AI-based services and products expand throughout society, ‘Kakao’s Algorithm Ethics Charter’ was presented to express Kakao’s responsibility and determination about algorithm development and operation based on Kakao’s principle and philosophy, and further promise to endeavor to become a company with code of conduct on AI. Then, in August 30th, 2019, Kakao presented revised form of Kakao Algorithm Ethics, including the new article, ‘Inclusive Technology.’

Once again, the Background of the Birth of ‘the Kakao Algorithm Ethics’

Recently, there are emerging social issues and concerns on AI, regarding issues like: intentional differentiation and bias caused by technical problems, the opacity of algorithms that are continuously raised in companies, and uncontrollability that raises concerns about dysfunction. Meanwhile, this AI technology is a key factor in Kakao’s efforts to provide better services. Kakao wishes our world with AI to be a place where everyone can conveniently embrace the benefit of service and technology. In this process, Kakao actively reflects the social ethics agreed by all members in algorithm development and its application in service. Also, the six articles in ‘Kakao’s Algorithm Ethics’ are conceptualization of Kakao’s long-protected principles and philosophy.

Kakao discloses in our first article, ‘Basic Principles of Kakao Algorithm’, to claim that the development of algorithm is what leads to universal facility and happiness. In its second term, ‘Avoidance of All Biases’ demonstrates that Kakao’s service will not intentionally deflect on behalf of certain value. Next, ‘Management of Data for Algorithm Learning’ highlights Kakao’s data collectionanalysis and application based on social code of conduct. The fourth, ‘Independence of Algorithm’, promises to prevent the algorithm compromise and external influences. At last, ‘Explanation on Algorithm’, pledges to sincerely communicate to explain our algorithm at possible extent.

‘Kakao Altorithm Ethics Charter’ was designed to be easily approachable from Kakao’s website

Kakao Algorithm Ethics Charter’ disclosed in the website

‘Kakao Algorithm Ethics Charter’ was also introduced at UNESCO forum - Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Advance Knowledge Societies and Good Governance, in November 2018 

A pdf file below is the presentation file used at the forum.

Kakao’s algorithm ethics is also applied to some Kakao’s service principles.

(e.g. Daum News service)

Key to this revision: “Kakao strives to ensure that algorithm-based technology and service 

embrace our society"

The added ‘Inclusive Technology’ links to global emphasis on discussion about AI’s value and responsibility, and embeds Kakao’s aim to enable algorithm-based technology and service to embrace the overall society. Concerns about the social gaps and inequalities that AI can exacerbate in society, and the negative impact it will extend to vulnerable groups, are major issues worldwide. It is Kakao’s will inherent in ‘Inclusive Technology’ that Kakao will sensitively react to unintentional social exclusion caused by algorithm’s fundamental feature, and search to improve convenience and happiness of the marginalized class.

‘Kakao Algorithm Ethics Charter Revision’ with newly included provision.

Algorithm can often cause unintended social exclusion due to its embedded characteristic. Kakao puts its best effort to prevent its adverse effects, and will be cautious to improve the wellbeing and happiness of social vulnerabilities with our algorithm. The added clause demonstrates that Kakao strives to ensure that algorithm-based technology and service embrace our society, and aims for the future where each individual in our society improves with our technology and service. 

The revised Ethics Charter was unveiled at a last year’s session at the ‘if Kakao 2019’ event held in late August. Kakao not only focuses on the development of AI technology and service, but also considers various problems which can be induced when the service and technology are introduced to society, and also acknowledges the ethical issues as technology develops.

When Kakao was invited to the ‘UNESCO AI Policy Forum’ last November, Kakao received a lot of attention in the company’s case presentation of the Kakao Algorithm Ethics Charter in that a company concerns about AI ethics and further seeks for countermeasures. It wasn’t an easy decision for a company that provides AI technology, service and product to mention AI ethics, yet Kakao has showed in various ways to express its stance and principle on AI ethics by thoroughly explaining the newly disclosed algorithm through ‘Kakao AI Report’ and ‘Brunch’, releasing studies about ‘Kakao’s machine-learning-based News recommendation service structure and its effects’ at both domestic and international academies.

As mentioned in the statement of newly included ‘Inclusive Technology’, Kakao will seamlessly examine and develop the company’s responsibility and obligation on upcoming AI technology and service, and put its best efforts to pursuit mankind’s convenience and happiness through ethical AI development based on basic principles of Kakao algorithm.

매거진의 이전글 “카카오 뉴스 알고리즘을 SCIE 논문에 공개”
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