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by Milly Pok 밀리폭 Jan 01. 2024

a new production relationship

Why basic income will definitely come!

Since the creation of surplus products in mankind, a ruling class and a ruled class have emerged. Class is determined by who owns the means of production, which allows the ruling class to legally exploit the labor of the ruled class.

At this time, “production relations” are the relationships between people when productive labor is carried out in human society.

“Vested rights vs. the masses/public/common people”

ancient society

  : Production relationship through the slavery system = slave owner-slave relationship

Slaves were the property of slave owners as a means of labor/work. Slaves could be bought and sold and no human rights/ownership were allowed.

medieval society

: Production relationship through the feudal system = lord-serf relationship

The people in charge of labor were serfs and were subordinate to the feudal lords. Even though he had his own garden, he was mobilized to work preferentially in the lord's garden, and was legally exploited by the lord through rent, etc.

capitalist society

: Production relationship through the private property rights system = capitalist-worker relationship

Labor is sold and wages are received, but the worker's share is far less than the capitalist's return on investment from owning the company and owning capital, so the gap between the rich and the poor is bound to worsen.

Until now, the means of production of the ruling class that indoctrinated society with these ideologies were slavery, feudalism, and private property.

So, what kind of society will the future be?

A post-capitalist society has already emerged due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Existing production relationships are being shaken.

Why revolution?

A revolution is only when the nature of the object of production relations is completely reversed. A revolution occurs when the existing ruling class collapses and a change occurs in society to create a ruling class with a new identity.

post-capitalist society

Production relationship through the basic income  system = Big tech capitalist-prosumer relationship

Today's productive forces are no longer centered on capital and labor, but on prosuming and prosumers' information consumption and production. The new emerging force, Big Tech capitalists, no longer need workers.

*Prosumer: Unpaid production/consumer activity

Human society has not always collapsed as a result of a struggle between two existing classes, but has been turned upside down due to the emergence of a new class or class interest relationships. The agent that led to the transition to a new ideology that constitutes politics, economy, and society was the emergence of a new, challenging ruling class. The abolition of slavery and the French Revolution were not achievements due to the class struggle of the ruled class, but rather were the result of the conflict of interests of the ruling class and the emergence of a new bourgeois class (capitalists) opposing feudal lords and slave owners.

As long as the current capitalist society continues with unstable labor and deepening inequality between capital and society, the anger of the ruling class will continue to be expressed through shootings, suicides, terrorism, labor movements, and dance class movements. However, rather than the possibility of introducing basic income as a result of the victory of the unemployed class/unstable working class, it is the result of a battle of interests between the existing capitalists, the ruling class of capitalist society, and the emerging big tech capitalists who lead post-capitalism, and is more likely than the existing capitalists. It is highly likely that this will happen due to the growth of a more powerful new big tech capitalist class. The speed and amount at which emerging big tech capitalists increase their wealth is different from that of existing capitalists. This is because it will be much faster for the emerging big tech capitalist class to generate profits from technological innovation targeting 8 billion people than for existing capitalists to make money through corporate, financial and real estate investments. Isn't it natural for big tech capitalists, such as Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who need prosumers more than workers, to advocate for basic income? The public's support will create a synergy effect and someday it will be implemented.

Big data, combined with innovative developments in algorithmic technology, plays an important role in the capital formation process. Big data is playing a key role in capital accumulation. All users are prosumers and they create value. Laws, governments, and regulatory agencies have not yet caught up with these innovations, but big tech capitalists have already created a currency (Bitcoin) that transcends national borders and is further uniting the world beyond multinational corporations.

Don’t you realize that we are currently in the midst of a revolutionary change that will change the social system, cultural values, power, global economy, and even human justice in corporate activities? There is a clear reason why we must participate in the basic income revolution to dismantle the existing capitalist order in the post-capitalist era. It has already begun. Sam Altman says he will realize global basic income through World Coin. When the majority of people around the world become prosumers who receive World Coin, a very macroscopic change will begin. Will you support it? At the current rate of deepening inequality, it is urgent. He may be a trustworthy person. But he could also become a dangerous absolute power. Will emerging big tech capitalists create a superstructure to introduce the first basic income system? Or will the state implement it first? Consider what will be beneficial to all the public: the emerging tech capitalists, the capitalists, the existing ruling class, the workers, the existing dominated class, and the useless class/precariat/prosumer, who will be the new main dominated class. . Just as slaves and serfs awakened from the social consciousness of their time, we must escape from the ‘social consciousness’ that is the capitalist mode of existence called workers.

There is no need to be afraid just because you are currently a stable worker. Even if the basic income system is implemented, existing forms of capitalism will still remain. There is a private property system and workers. Rather, it is better for workers. Nowadays, the term working poverty exists because you have to subtract living expenses from labor profits and invest them, but if basic income is provided, at least you do not have to worry about making a living and labor profits can be immediately converted into property profits. Just as feudalism and slavery existed simultaneously in industrial society, workers will coexist as various faces of prosumers, the majority of the public.

Remember. Slavery existed long after the Industrial Revolution and until modern times. Although the slave liberation movement was active in the late 19th century, the cause of slavery's abolition was not the result of the struggle of the slave group. The direct cause was the outbreak of the Civil War as a result of a conflict of interests between southern landowners who needed slaves for sugar cane farming in the United States and northern capitalists who needed factory workers, and the victory of the north, or capitalists, led to the end of slavery in 1865. It has been abolished.

We must move from a slavery society to a feudal society, and from a capitalist society to a post-capitalist society. It is clear that the basic income system, as the superstructure of a post-capitalist society, will be a society in which the power and status of the ruling class still exist. You may be frustrated that a basic income society is not a utopia. But practopia works. Is there another better way right now? Big tech capitalists are geniuses who are much smarter than slave owners, kings/nobles, and capitalists. It is painful to know that even if a new world comes, we must still remain in the ruling class, but compared to ancient society, medieval society, and capitalist society, it will be a much better world to live in.

The best thing is for civil society to work hard to create many laws and systems that are more beneficial to the common people within the basic income system. In a capitalist society, electricity, communications, railroads, water, education, and medical care are given the character of public goods, and systems such as state-run enterprises, public enterprises, social enterprises, public schools, and public hospitals are established to alleviate the nature of capitalist exploitation. In the future, there will be many distribution policies that must be achieved through struggle, such as systems that return the copyright of AI, which increases productivity without workers, to society. It is difficult to achieve complete equality in a society with large surplus products. However, if inequality is reduced through various measures, class conflict will decrease and society will become better to live in than it is now.

Additionally, a tax increase is essential for the country's basic income to be established, and global basic income must also be implemented to be safer from war/terrorism/voice phishing/refugee issues, etc.

What we need to do now is to actively demand basic income and act from the basic income design process to ensure that the country exists for the majority of the people rather than for a minority of vested interests.

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