
You can make anything
by writing


by Image Text Narrative Jan 08. 2020

<Corners 4: We Move We>

Keep In Touch Seoul (킵인터치 서울) 단체전

< Corners 4: We Move We > 

Keep In Touch Seoul (킵인터치 서울) 단체전 

2019. 12.31 - 2020. 01.07

<A Fierce Chant (격양된 챈트)> (2019)와 <Accompanying Text of <A Fierce Chant>> (2019)


두 작품 <격양된 목소리의 챈트 (A Fierce Chant)> 와 <Accompanying text of <A Fierce Chant>>는 제도적인 전시 형태의 한계에 심리적인 모서리로 몰려버린 작품의 슬픔 외침이다. 어디에서 보임 display과 관계없이 작품의 독립적인 존재가 그 공간을 신성하게 - 외부세계와 동떨어진 - 그리고 자신의 존재가 단단해지길 간절히 염원하는 자기 주술적인 성향을 띈 작품이다. 과연 작품은 하얀 입방체의 신화로부터 어디까지 자유로워질 수 있을까. 그리고 더 나아가 타인의 인정과 승인으로부터 자신을 지킬 수 있을 것인가.

- 격양된 목소리의 챈트, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 45.5x53cm

Accompanying Text of <A Fierce Chant>, 2019, laser engraved on medium-density fibreboard, 2019, 35x50x1.8cm


<A Fierce Chant> and <Accompanying text of <A Fierce Chant>> are self-shamanistic works that narrate an artwork’s lamentation on limits of the institutionalized system in the art world. They describe a pressure being at a psychological ‘corner’ because an artwork’s fate depends on conservative factors and not solely on the work itself. Regardless of where the artwork is ‘being displayed’, <A Fierce Chant> wishes every artwork to stand firmly and turn any places into sacred. Will an artwork be able to be independent of the myth of the ideology of the white cube? Moreover, can it protect itself from others’ acceptances and approvals?

- A Fierce Chant, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 45.5x53cm

- Accompanying Text of <A Fierce Chant>, 2019, laser engraved on medium-density fibreboard, 2019, 35x50x1.8cm

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