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by Mobiinside Nov 02. 2018

'월정액 주문형 비디오(SVOD)' 전성시대

넷플릭스(Netflix)와 훌루(Hulu) 등의 월정액 주문형 비디오(SVOD) 앱 인기가 올해도 지속될 전망이다.

작년 한 해 동안 $781 billion(약 8천9백억 원)의 소비자 지출액을 기록한 상위 10개 SVOD 앱이 올해에도 크게 성장한 것으로 나타났다.

모바일 앱 전문 조사업체 센서 타워(Sensor Tower)에 따르면 지난 3분기 동안에 미국 구글 플레이와 앱스토어의 상위 10개 SVOD 앱에서 발생한 소비자 지출액은 $329 million(약 3천7백억 원)으로, 1분기 대비 무려 15% 이상 증가했다. 

상위 10개 SVOD 앱 중에 최고 매출 1위를 기록한 넷플릭스는 3분기 소비자 지출액만 $132 million(약 천5백억 원)으로, 전년 동기 대비 78%나 증가했다.

훌루도 1년 전보다 86% 늘어난 $39 million(약 4백40억 원)을 기록하며 빠른 성장세를 이어가고 있다. 유일하게 3분기 매출이 감소한 앱은 HBO NOW로, 전년 동기 대비 40% 하락해 $41 million(약 4백66억 원)에 그쳤다.

유튜브TV(YouTube TV)는 같은 기간 소비자 지출액이 $13 million(약 147억 원)이나 증가해, 3분기에 $16 million(약 182억 원) 매출 기록을 달성했다.

또, 지난 2분기에 처음으로 인앱 구독 서비스를 도입한 미국 스포츠 전문 채널 ESPN Live Sport도 지난 분기 대비 지출액이 119% 증가한 $4.6 million(약 52억 원)을 기록했다. 

SVOD 앱에서 발생하는 소비자 지출액은 계속해 증가할 것으로 보이고, 구독 기반의 비즈니스 모델 역시 확대될 것으로 예상된다.

위 조사에 사용된 모바일 앱 전문 조사업체 센서 타워(Sensor Tower)의 데이터에는 구독 매출만 포함되며, 광고 수익은 포함되어 있지 않다.

Last year, the top subscription video apps like Netflix and Hulu raked in a combined $781 million, and that trend is showing no sign of slowing down in 2018. In the third quarter of 2018, U.S. consumers spent an estimated $329 million in the top 10 subscription video-on-demand apps across the App Store and Google Play — a figure that’s up 15 percent from the $285 million spent in Q1.

The data is the latest in a new report from app intelligence firm Sensor Tower, which has been following the growth of subscription video apps for some time. Last year, for example, it found that Netflix’s app topped the charts in terms of revenue, when compared with all the other non-game apps on the market.

Netflix hasn’t fallen from its top-ranked position, the new data shows. In fact, it’s continuing to grow.

The app pulled in an estimated $132 million in consumer spending across the app stores in Q3, which is up 78 percent from the $74 million spent in the third quarter of 2017.

However, Hulu is now growing faster, the report found. It saw subscription revenue jump 86 percent to $39 million, up from $21 million a year ago.

It seems some consumers may have made the move to Hulu thanks to the extra cash they had on hand, thanks to dropping their HBO subscription.

The only subscription video app that saw revenue decline in Q3 was HBO NOW, which took in $41 million in the quarter, down 40 percent from the $68 million in Q3 2017. But notably absent this quarter was the network’s biggest draw, “Game of Thrones,” which had been airing at this time last year. A drop was expected.

The top-grossing chart of these subscription video apps for Q3 2018 looks very similar to last year’s in terms of the apps included, and sometimes, even their rankings.

But two services made moves, the report says.

YouTube TV jumped from $3 million in the year-ago quarter to $16 million in Q3 on Apple’s App Store, thanks to its expanded market penetration and consumer adoption. And ESPN Live Sports, which added in-app subscriptions in Q2, grossed $4.6 million in the third quarter, up 119 percent from Q2.

Even CBS is doing well, despite the fact that not everyone loves the new “Star Trek.”

Still, it appears CBS made a good move by betting on fans’ devotion to the franchise, as U.S. consumers spent $6 million in the app in Q3 2018, up 50 percent from the $4 million spent in Q3 2017.

The report’s data includes subscription revenues only, not refunds or in-app advertising revenues, Sensor Tower notes.

The broad increases in consumer spending on these video apps is yet another example of the significant and growing subscription business — much of which is taking place on mobile. Subscriptions accounted for $10.6 billion in consumer spend on the App Store in 2017, and are poised to grow to $75.7 billion by 2022, an earlier report found.

However, the top subscription apps aren’t all video apps. Others that consistently rank highly in the U.S. include Tinder, Spotify and Pandora, for example. Currently, the top-grossing chart for the App Store includes a number of non-games, like Netflix (No. 1), YouTube (No. 2), Tinder (No. 3), Pandora (No. 4), Hulu (No. 7), and Bumble (No. 8)


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