
You can make anything
by writing


by Peter Jeong Mar 27. 2017

[영어기사] 성격은 존재하는가?

Who do you think you are – and how ba...

기사 이미지:

기사 링크:


1. The common sense that good people may turn to bad slowly, step-by-step, doesn't make sense.

2. Fixed personality that we assume most people have all the time may not be true. People changes depond on circumstance. We don't know even we have personalities.

문장 요약

1. 질문: 무엇이 좋은 사람을 나쁜 사람으로 바꾸는가? 일반적으로는 서서히 바뀐다고 생각한다.

2. 조사: 최근 진행된 조사에서 사람들이 서서히 바뀌는 게 아니라 한번에 확 바뀐다고 밝혀졌다.

3. 의견: 사람들마다 기본적인 성격이 일반적으로 존재한다고 생각하지만, 성격이라는 것을 가지고 있다고 하는 것 자체가 말이 되는가?

4. 자료: 상황이 바뀌면 행동이 상황을 따라가는 경우가 많다. 감옥 실험이나 전기 고문 실험 등에서 사람들의 행동의 변화 등이 이를 말한다.

5. 의견: 당신이 '자신'이라고  부르는 것은, 다른 것과 구별되는 근본적인 어떤 것이 아니라, 어떤 일이 진행되는 도중에 형성된 덩어리라고 생각하는 것이 나을 듯 하다.


1. There is a recent study about how the path to corrupt behavior occurs. It reveals people are more likely to engange brabery if it happens as a sudden opportunity rather than a gradual process.

2. Several experiments tell how people's behaviors are changed depend on circumstances.


1. We believe the personality is fixed, and for sometime, it is changed slowly and gradually.

2. Many people believe the corrupt behavior starts with a few small immoral acts.

3. The notion we have personality may not make sense because the behavior follows the situation, which changes all the time, not stable all the time.


1. What is personality? 

2. Why we should categorize them?


depravity: corruption / immorality / criminality

The road to depravity and corruption, we tend to assume, is a slippery slope.

floodgate: a gate designed to regulate the flow of water at a dam.

The floodgates have opened.

inducement: incentive / motive / encouragement

with various small inducements;

incremental: accumulative / additional / additive

The short version: they were far likelier to become curropt when presented with a single "golden opportunity" than a series of incremental moral compromises.

infraction: violation / breach / infringement

We'd rather go through the internal process of self-justification a single time, even for a major infraction, than feel obliged to do so.

be dogged: determinded / persistent / staunch

The finding hints at a more unsettling notion that's dogged psychology since the start.


A few small immoral acts, then things snowball.

The short version: they were far likelier to become curropt when presented with a single "golden opportunity" than a series of incremental moral compromises.

We'd feel obliged to do so morining after morning in the bathroom mirror.

But if it makes no sense to talk of our having personalities in this way at all?

Following this to its conclusion and you reach an old idea.

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