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by 김해보 Oct 14. 2023

DMZ of Culture

Understanding of Emotional Economics

Understanding of “Emotional Economics”

in the “DMZ”(De-Monetization Zone) of Culture 

to go forward the “Cultural 經世濟民(jīng shì jì mín) 

beyond the Cultural Economy(經濟)

by Hae-Bo Kim 

Advising Director, Policy & Strategy Division, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture (SFAC)

Director, Korea Regional Culture Policy Institute, The National Assembly of Foundations for Arts & Culture (NAFAC)

Adjunct Professor at Department of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul

PhD in Sociology

This article is the original text of the presentation at “2023 World Conference on Cultural Cities.” (hosted by City IDEAS, Chengdu, 2023.10.16.) 



We need to add Eastern Perspectives like “奇正相生(qí zhèng xiāng shēng)” to the Understanding of “Emotional Economics” in the “DMZ(De-Monetization Zone) of Culture” that goes along with the “Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction Curve” by the intervention by something intangible. With that, we can set the proper way for the “Social Turn” in Cultural Policy to go forward the “Cultural 經世濟民(jīng shì jì mín)” which implies a good life with culture for all people, beyond the Cultural Economy(經濟) seeking for the prompt and tangible profit out of culture.





1. “Social Turn” & Culture Counts

2. The Heisenberg Principle of Economics

3. De-Monetization of value trading 

4. DMZ(De-Monetization Zone) for Cultural enterprises 

5. DMZs of Culture, now everywhere!

6. Cross-Cultural Perspective for Cultural Policy ; from West to East

7. 奇正相生(qí zhèng xiāng shēng) to grasp the intangible 

8. 一切唯心造(Yīqiè wéixīn zào) for the Affective Economy

9. 安寧(Ānnín) vs. Happiness 

10. 經世濟民(jīng shì jì mín) vs. Economy(oiko nomos)

11. 3-I Values of Culture for ABC 

12. New Economics for the Emotional Economy within DMZ of Culture

13. The Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction Curve 

14. Its implications for Public innovation & Easterlin paradox

15. Forward Cultural 經世濟民(jīng shì jì mín) beyond Cultural Economy

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