
매거진 나의 여정

You can make anything
by writing


by 한상훈 Mar 24. 2024


Promise for all to protect them

Oct 2022.

There's no way to get money at those moments. The situation was quite bad, but I had hope for the next company with "B.". They convinced me that after they established their (or our) bank, they would spend tremendous capital on exchange business. They stated that the company's value would exceed 120 billion won within a few months. Actually, I believed. With all my heart, I believed. There's a certificated person, and I saw powerful people and their companies. Even though our company faced a momentary crisis, I chose to bet on them all my life.

I told my employees. "It's going to be almost 3 months for the new company." Those exchange businesses are so big, and their requests are quite huge. One day, the "B" chairman asked me. "Mr. Han, please prepare the presentation for Malaysia King; we need to meet him next January." That was exactly what he asked of me. So I spent my entire time preparing for the exchange business and the CBDC project. But after the investor presentation, there's no good news. And week after week, the chairman changed his words and plans. But for me, it was a life-saving deal. I had to make a clear deal. So I invited an exchange provider who is the CEO of some blockchain foundations and confirmed our deal.

Without doubt, two weeks later, I went to Indonesia again for a complete deal. But suddenly the chairman said, "Our plan is delayed for the online bank. It's a better choice for us." But me and other directors had the same opinion: "We need to proceed with the exchange project, so use money first for development." But the chairman denied it. Actually, it's not denied. He wants better investment conditions for investors, so he can delay the investment round. But later, it was an absolutely idiotic judgment. Cash dried up immediately on the market, and the global base interest ratio had no idea it was going down.

Because of the stupid chairman, some of the directors tried to get money from other potential investors. But most potential investors had no money to invest. However, they suggested another option to make capital.

Jan 2023.

All the contracts that I prepared and convinced them to have been delayed without limit. Actually, for the first time, they suggested a contract confirmation date of March 2023. Until March 2023, I could wait. It took just two months. But week after week, some problems occurred, and even when the date reached March 2023, they didn't give me any good news. Always, they said, "Please wait for a while. We will make the money, and then we will call you."

After March 2023, I lost those guys and their businesses. The investors and investment institutions they were bragging about sent a very small amount that was different from what was said. 120 billion won? Bull shit. Just a few billions were delivered, and even that money couldn't be used for the establishment of a fucking bank. Even until now, I heard they didn't make a bank. What a shame.

When I decided to dedicate myself to the exchange business, I proudly told my employees, "It takes only a few months to build a company." But it wasn't. Because of my belief, I lost more than 300 ~ 400 million won, and I needed to handle all kinds of problems without money. Day after day, I've been fighting to survive—for people who believed me, for my family, and for or against my employees.

There's quite a tough story. Maybe they couldn't realize what they did to me. But even if they did that to me, I want to build a new company for them because I promised it to them.

Fab 2023.

When I struggled in mud and painful business, some of the employees spread rumors about me. That makes me really frustrated, more than ever. Even though I forgave them, some people spread rumors to protect their identities. I understand those people's hearts. I don't want to be blamed. But those rumors make me realize. "As much as I think of them, they never care about me." That was a limitation, and I understood their position.

After all, I've failed so many times and need to make huge money every month. It gave me pain, but I defeated them. Within a year, I've met thousands of entrepreneurs and discussed various models. In that situation, I've recorded videos, written hundreds of posts, written a book, built web services, made contracts, solved legal conflicts, and gained strength on the market.

I do what I believe. Even when I fail and am ruined, I believe that I can make a better company. I can build a better company, and I will construct a global corporation. There's no doubt. I will do that, and I will prepare for that.

For me, it seems really close. After I promised it to employees, I never forgot that promise. Within a few weeks, I will start a new company. Completely ready or not, I'll put my soul into this company and build it to the top of the world. I should go to many countries. And, hopefully, two years later, in October 2022, I hope to establish a Korean branch for this project. Of course, when I promised, there was a condition that it was a company that started through "B's capital." So I don't have any obligations to promise. But I'll prove what I say. I would like to meet only those who contact me after the Korean branch comes out.

I'm dreaming that a lot of growth has been in them over the course of two years. How are they growing up in the long time I've endured the pain?

"Time proves a person."

It definitely looks like a scene from a cartoon, which is One Piece, on the day we leave, we said. I will prove myself. I hope those I loved are also proven. I can't work taking care of those who are irresponsible to themselves. Two years is a long time, and two years of young time is more than enough to prove a person.

There are only about seven months left. It took a decade of business travel to build a company worth tens of billions of dollars.

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