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You can make anything
by writing


by 홍석범 Dec 13. 2022

2022. 12. 12 Mo

Four hours and a half marathon meeting from 9.30 - usually the things said are repeated at least multiple times and discussions (if one can call them so) inevitably spiral. And when you are more than helpless and utterly exhausted is a good time to finally stop talking and start drawing. I usually feel it’s a bad strategy to start off such an assembly with an overwhelming agenda comprising crises of this and that - mostly design problems so aren’t we misappropriating the term anyway?

Szymon was back in his hometown Breslau over the weekend with a colleague from work and came back with a broccoli head and a bag full of small wonders: one PAW Patrol 2-in-1 shampoo (I think this Dalmatian’s name is Marshall, S’s favourite), some goat’s milk creme set, budyń powder (not pudding he strictly says), traditional polish sweets and many sorts of chocolates. He asks whether I’m happy about his gifts which he insists on calling ‘really small.’ They are indeed bits and pieces seemingly trivial, but of memories shared and of everyday thoughts for the sake of the other. So yes I’m glad and happy I say. I picture him at a polish supermarket hurrying along the aisles with broad footsteps that he has, randomly grabbing this and that and throwing them into the small chaos of his Primark bag like a hobo, which makes me laugh. And since I like broccoli I should be fine for the next three months while those curls last.

매거진의 이전글 2023. 2. 13 Mo
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