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You can make anything
by writing


by 홍석범 Dec 26. 2022

2022. 12. 20 Tue

After work I go over to S’s & he puts together some instant food to treat me. What he calls a ‘hobo dinner.’ Then we go for a walk, initially with a cosy cafe in mind but end up in a random Indian restaurant with curt waitresses who are clearly unhappy that we only order drinks. I feel uncomfortable with their bombardment of ‘do you really want no food’ but Szymon is indifferent. I don’t care much for respectability but what troubles me is the impracticality of it all. In the sense that it’s not what I wished for and still I have to suffer the consequences. Spontaneity is just a mistake when the outcome is not desirable.

I remember I would do random things and still be excited, happy, impressed by it with A. Is it because I was too captivated then but not now?

Whyever such a comparison?

매거진의 이전글 2022. 12. 19 Mo
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