
매거진 일기

You can make anything
by writing


by 홍석범 Dec 29. 2022

2022. 12. 22 Thu

Started working in the lounge - allows me more room and concentration than up at my place now fully populated by my parents. Hardly a person down here as most of them have probably gone back to their real homes. Chairs, desks, sofas, billard and game tables are deserted with wonderful idleness and I can recover my composure, contently alone.

But not much work done since I have to comply with all the idling around me.

First on our agenda for the season as a family reunited must be a Christmas market and we go to the one with Schwenker and the historical one at the trackside as they are the first ones to close tonight. Started with a bit of spitting rain but all became quickly festive with grills, fries and talking: my pompous report of excellent performance at work makes my parents proud.

Arrived just in time (9 pm) for the fire show at the latter and we were quite surprised by it - as mom puts it: simple but spectacular. She was especially taken with it and I spotted a little girl’s face in awe on hers.

The three walk back home tired but the mild excitement lingering, the night is airy and generous.

매거진의 이전글 2022. 12. 21 Wed
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