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You can make anything
by writing


by 홍석범 Feb 01. 2023

2023. 1. 31 Tue

Four weeks since the last entry. Or five? Much has happened. And I wish to embrace it all. But feeling very tired, from the abundance of it all: and the consequences. Since S and I have decided to go separate ways, I should write something about our final days before moving on to other more cheerful memories. Break up happened when I was in Milan but we still went to Cyprus (sex with ex as he called it) and also ice-skating a few days after. Cyprus was calm and somewhat reminiscent of Tel Aviv, must have been the quaint scenery of olive-green meadows next to the turquoise sea. Funnily enough it was the only day of sun I had during two weeks of travel. We didn’t talk much but enjoyed each other’s company. The warmth and the breeze were comforting and we were just lying down for hours, feeling the gentle rays. In the afternoon we walked from one end of the shore to the other and saw many cats. S was singing from time to time. Strange and soothing day it was and the next morning at the airport waiting for our delayed flight back, his head on my lap, I felt mildly recovered.

매거진의 이전글 2022. 12. 23 Fr
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