
You can make anything
by writing


by sosoceo Nov 27. 2023

About My business

with my very poor English

In my 20s, I was very interested in how to make money

But I don't want to spend my time to make money(?)

It would be more accurate to say that

"I didn't do anything that the time I worked ended in one-off profit"

- A part-time job in convenience store or cafe... etc

I've never done these job before

 "A cotinuous return from one attemt"

This is what I want to do and even in my business.

It has not changed while doing my business

It takes a lot of time to develop my online home page myself

But once I make it, I can reduce the time spent on shopping mall operations

And It makes me up to do other things.

I have doing my business with this way until now

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