
You can make anything
by writing


by sosoceo Dec 05. 2023

a Job that's just right for me

For my twenties, I was always teaching someone.

It's purpose was simple & clear.

I needed money to do what I just want to.

But while doing that, I found out that it was fun to do

I could make the money, meet many people by that

Teaching time was not my work time.

It's more fun than meeting my friends.

Even It makes me earn money..!!

So there was a time when I thought about making it my business.

Although it didn't happen, I have been doing it ever since as a IT consultant

As IT consultant, my clients are in a variety of areas

: Student, Worker, Representative, etc

Although it is not my main job,

it affects me in varous ways and forms.

By that, I can let me rest or I can feel joy.

These are totally differnt from

what I feel and experience while doing my business

So I have been doing so far,

and I will continue to do what I have done so far

매거진의 이전글 Nothing on My Resume
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