
You can make anything
by writing


by 손현 Jan 26. 2016

Road to Nordkapp

As shown on the map, there’re many lakes in Finland.
Kotimajoitus Hostel / Jämsä, Finland, 2015
Kotimajoitus Hostel / Jämsä, Finland, 2015
Kotimajoitus Hostel / Jämsä, Finland, 2015
So peaceful and cozy place, Kotimajoitus Hostel, Jämsä, Finland, 2015
Road to Oulu, Finland, 2015
Message from City Centre Rooms Oulu / Oulu, Finland, 2015
City Centre Rooms Oulu / Oulu, Finland, 2015
City Centre Rooms Oulu / Oulu, Finland, 2015
City Centre Rooms Oulu / Oulu, Finland, 2015
I bought it because of its naming and still using it up to now. To speak honestly, not bad.
City Centre Rooms Oulu / Oulu, Finland, 2015
Oulu, Finland, 2015
Oulu, Finland, 2015
Road to Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Road to Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Road to Jämsä, Finland, 2015
Road to Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Road to Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Neljän Tuulen Tupa near Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Neljän Tuulen Tupa near Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Neljän Tuulen Tupa near Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Neljän Tuulen Tupa near Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Neljän Tuulen Tupa near Kaamanen, Finland, 2015
Road to Nordkapp, Finland, 2015
Road to Nordkapp, Finland, 2015
Road to Nordkapp, Norway, 2015
Road to Nordkapp, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp, Norway, 2015

Well, let me say about this pine cone. My teacher, one of famous choreographer in S.Korea, took it from Berlin when she performed in there. And now I brought it from Seoul and trying to move it back to Berlin during this journey. She is going to perform her original artwork in Berlin again and we’ll be reunited in this late November. I carry the pine cone on myself.

Nordkapp, Norway, 2015 / photography by Paolo Gabrielli (grazie mille!)
Nordkapp, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp, Norway, 2015
Road to Honningsvåg, heading south, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp Vandrerhjem / Honningsvåg, Norway, 2015
Honningsvåg, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp Vandrerhjem / Honningsvåg, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp Vandrerhjem / Honningsvåg, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp Vandrerhjem / Honningsvåg, Norway, 2015
Nordkapp Vandrerhjem / Honningsvåg, Norway, 2015

According to the staff in Nordkapp Vandrerhjem, it was used as a dormitory for workers of a fish cannery and renovated as now. And there were several engineering drawings of the factory. So impressed to see how they archive their own history.

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