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by 이정환 May 15. 2018

Summer Food

May is techincally still spring, but as time goes by, the temperature, especially in the daytime, is increasing a lot. Some people wear T-shirts and shorts and some turn on the AC in May.

In order to control the heat, Korean people eat a special food, which is called Naengmyeon in Korean, or cold buckwheat noodles in English.  

It is made from buckwheat noodles, pear, crushed ice, hard-boiled egg, cucumber and a special broth. This cold noodle used to be made exclusively for Kings during the Joseon Dynasty, because ice was so precious just a century ago. However, thanks to the advancement in technology, nowadays anyone can enjoy this food.

President Moon and Kim recently ate Pyeongyang Naengmyeon, which is the original cold noodle, during the summit in April, and became even more popular in South Korea too.

Those who eat Korean barbecue might have this dish as a dessert, because the cold broth helps to wash down the grease from the meat. Other people eat a larger portion of these cold noodles by themselves for dinner.

Many people eat this cold noodle dish to beat the heat during the humid summer months. If you have not tried it  yet, you definitely should. 

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