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by 이정환 May 22. 2018

Buddie's Birthday

Korean people have believed in Buddhsim for 1,800 years. As far as I know Buddha is not God. A long time ago, he taught many people how to lead a sincere life and how to be a good man. After he died, his followers inherited Buddha's spirit and doctrine. Buddhists do not force people to believe in their religion, but instead they teach people to make harmony with each other without greed. It is the reason why this religion has been loved by many people for a few thousand years. 

Korea has two main religions. The first one is Buddhsim, and the second one is Christianity. The older generation attended Buddhist services when they were young for free food, and they naturally grew up as Buddhist. People, who believe in this religion tend to say they can give up greed and love other people. 

For Buddha's birthday, people visit temples in Korea to celebrate his birthday and pray for their happiness and goals. Not only Korean people, but also foreigners visit temples to experience new culture and a different religion. 

These days Temple Stay is popular in South Korea. Some troubled students are sent to temples by their parents for 1 to 2 weeks. In the quiet place, they are taught by monks and meditate on a regular basis. The time spent in the temple is really helpful for students, because they could think about themselves and their future. After Temple Stay became popular, older people, who want their private time and foreign tourists also try temple stays. 

What if you visit a temple in your city and experience this interesting religion first-hand?

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