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by 이정환 Apr 03. 2018

Seoul the Capital of Korea

People can not talk about South Korea without mentioning Seoul, which is the capital city of the country. 

Seoul and Pyongyang have been considered by Korean people as important places that attract fortune and smart people, so many kings in Korean history tried to take over those cities. During the Japanese colonial era, Japanese people burned many historical sites and destroyed these cities to destroy Korean's spirits. Also, during the Korean War, leaders from both sides struggled to take over these cities. 

Even after the brutal Korean War in 1953, these two cities developed incredibly quickly in comparison to other cities. 

Why are Korean people obsessed with Seoul? There is an old phrase, "people need to be sent to Seoul, and horses need to be sent to Jeju." As you may know, Seoul is located in the middle of Korea. People who wanted to go to Russia, China, Japan or wherever, had to walk through Seoul. Many different people with talents inevitably met in Seoul and shared their products and information. As a result, Seoul has been the leader of the economy, culture, trade etc. for Korea.

According to Naver dictionary, 9,857,426 people including non-Koreans are currently living in Seoul. The size Of South Korea is 4 times smaller than Japan, and Seoul is approximately 15 times smaller than Japan. However, 40 percent of the Korean population is packed into this small city. Naturally, the price of real estate has increased significantly and many property owners have built skyscrapers. 

People who grew up in the countryside with nature can not bear the grey building forest, because the roads are packed with people and cars. In contrast, some people think Seoul is full of people and energy. Many people in Seoul are devoted to make Seoul a better city. The mayor of Seoul has been building a number of libraries for Seoul citizens and preserving nature and historical sites for the next generations and foreign tourists. 

To be honest, I did not like Seoul at first, because it seemed too busy, but I do not have to drive for work thanks to great transportation system that I could use anywhere at a reasonable price. I can also attend various activities, like "free" concerts, national parks, art museums, and more. I could not even image these things when I lived in a rural area. 

If you are a newcomer to Seoul, you could easily get lost, but over time you will fall in love with the city. You could enjoy delicious coffee, authentic Korean food, attractions, friendly people, and culture. 


작가의 이전글 What made South Korea Flourish
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