
매거진 Our Korea

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by writing


by 이정환 Sep 16. 2018

Rainny Day

It's been raining today. What do people in your country eat on rainy days?  

Korean people eat Pajeon and Makgeoli. 

There are two common theories to explain why we eat those foods.

The first theory is that sound of the rain is similar to the sound of grilling Pajeon, so whenever it rains, people automatically think about this food. 

The second theory is that during the rainy day, people tend to eat more than usual and people could not do outdoor activities, so they grilled Pajeon and drank makgeoli. 

Many people argue with many different theories, but what I can surely say is these two foods are a fantastic combination. 

What if we finish Monday night with Pajeon and Makgeoli?

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