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by 이정환 Apr 06. 2018

About Visa

In order to enter South Korea, people need to get a visa. 

Most foreigners will come to South Korea with just a travel visa, but I organized the most common visas below.

1. D2 Visa: University Study 

Those who want to study in University need a D2 visa.

2. D4 Visa: General Training

Those who want to study Korean language in accredited institutes need a D4 visa. 

3. D10 Visa: Job Seeker

Those who want to find jobs in Korea need this visa. In order to extend this visa, visa holders need to prove recruitment activites. 

4. E2 Visa: English Teacher

Those who want to teach Korean students English in South Korea need this visa. Since there are many documents, candidates need to submit this visa to the immigration office take around 2 months in advance, and the candidates must check detailed information thoroughly so as not to delay the visa process.

5. E7 Visa: Lecturer

Those who want to lecture certain subjects in University in English need this visa. 

6. F2 Visa: Residency  

People who would like to live in South Korea for a long time apply for this visa. Candidates must meet qualifications such as language, education, stable income and so on. Those who get point system permanent residency are able to get permanent residency.

7. F3 Visa: Partner

If a wife or husband works in South Korea, their partner could come together and get this visa. People with the visa are not able to work in South Korea.

8. F5 Visa: Permanent Residency

Those who obtain point system permanent residency could obtain this visa. This visa takes effect same as Korean citizen. They can work anywhere. 

9. F6 visa: Spouse

Some people say that the F6 visa is the invincible visa, because those who have this visa are given preferential treatment in the job market.

10. H Visa: Working Holiday 

This is a working holiday visa. Once you get this visa, you are able to work 25 hours a week. 

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