

You can make anything
by writing


by 언더독스 May 07. 2019

Social Enterprises in Korea

written by Stefan Panhuijsen

The link below will lead you to be introduced the basic concept of Social Entrepreneurship in South Korea in 2016.

Social entrepreneurship in Korea — an introduction

Though not a little parts have been changed in the ecosystem of social enterprises in Korea, Still the short introduction of Stefan Panhuijsen, the writer of the article, is valid.

Since his article also contains other links to connect you to the broader information and the scene of Korean SE ecosystem, we substitute his article for our introduction of the Korean SE ecosystem even in this spring of 2019.

#Underdogs is

The very first social innovation company builder established by previous∙present social enterprise founders, which retains self-developed contents and capabilities to company-build.

Our mission is to incubate social innovative entrepreneurs and grow up with them.

Specifically, we serve the variety of training, incubating, & coaching programs optimized for the practical start-up starting including our signature program called <underdogs' SE Academy> served without any charge, with diverse governments, organizations, and corporations.

(* The # of <underdogs' SE Academy> alumni 114, the average start-up founding rate 73% etc.)

NOW, we are looking forward to having opportunities to network & collaborate with partners and incubate the social innovative entrepreneurs in Asia, globally together.





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