
You can make anything
by writing


by Sand Apr 16. 2022

Case Interview 연습 - Bain

Coffee Shop Co.

케이스 출처:

Question: Business Viability 

She sees potential in this business but wants your help in determining whether opening a coffee shop is a good idea. 

Client Analysis: 

new vs old : new

"She is thinking of opening a coffee shop"

new business vs imporvement : new business

"opening a coffee shop in Cambridge, England"

scale : local 

"She is thinking of opening a coffee shop in Cambridge, England, a large university city an hour and a half away from London."


Market Sizing, Breakeven-point, Go-to-market strategy & Competition 

1. The opportunity: Market Size

2. Survival: Breakeven-Point (Revenue/Cost analysis) 

3. How: Go-to-market strategy, Competition 

작품 선택
키워드 선택 0 / 3 0
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