
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #2

Related to possess

    Hold the Reins: This idiom implies having control or authority over a situation or a group of people.  

    Hold All the Cards: If someone holds all the cards, they are in a dominant or advantageous position.  

    Hold the Keys: This means having control or access to something important.  

    Hold Your Horses: While not directly related to possession, this idiom means to wait or be patient.  

    Have a Grip on (Something): This expression suggests having control or a good understanding of a situation or problem.  

    Have (Someone) Wrapped Around Your Finger: This idiom means having complete control or influence over someone.  

    Have (Something) in Hand: This means to have something under control or to possess something physically or metaphorically.  

    Have a Handle On (Something): Similar to having a grip on something, this idiom signifies having control or a good understanding of a situation.  

    Have (Something) at Your Fingertips: This means having easy access to something or having complete knowledge or control over it.  

    Have (Someone) in Your Pocket: This idiom implies having control or influence over someone.  

    Have (Something) in the Bag: This expression means to have something secured or guaranteed.  

    Have (Something) Up Your Sleeve: This idiom suggests having a hidden plan or advantage.  

    Have (Something) on Lockdown: This means having complete control or security over something.  

    Have (Something) to Your Name: This idiom refers to possessing something that is legally or officially in your possession.  

    Have (Something) Down Pat: This means to have something mastered or completely understood.  

    Have (Something) in the Palm of Your Hand: This idiom signifies having control or influence over something or someone.  

    Have a Corner on the Market: This idiom suggests having a monopoly or exclusive control over a particular product or service.  

    Have a Monopoly On (Something): Similar to the previous idiom, this means having exclusive control over something.  

    Have (Something) in Your Grasp: This expression implies having something within reach or under control.  

    Have (Something) in Your Toolbox: This idiom suggests having a set of skills or resources that you can use to your advantage.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #1
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