
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #7

take a risk

    Take a leap of faith: To take a significant risk, often with little or no assurance of success.  

    Roll the dice: To take a chance or risk, similar to the unpredictability of throwing dice in a game.  

    Play with fire: To engage in a risky or dangerous activity without considering the potential consequences.  

    Walk on thin ice: To be in a risky or precarious situation where any wrong move could lead to trouble.  

    Push the envelope: To go beyond the usual or accepted boundaries, often involving risk to achieve a desired result.  

    Go out on a limb: To take a risk by expressing an opinion or making a decision that is not widely supported or may be criticized.  

    Bet the farm: To risk everything you have on a single venture or decision, implying a high level of risk.  

    Throw caution to the wind: To take a big risk without worrying about the potential negative consequences.  

    Take a chance: To engage in a risky activity or decision.  

    Stick one's neck out: To take a risk by expressing an opinion, making a decision, or taking an action that could lead to criticism or trouble.  

    Put all your eggs in one basket: To invest all your resources or efforts into a single endeavor, which can be risky if it fails.  

    Live dangerously: To embrace risk or uncertainty in one's actions or decisions.  

    Jump into the deep end: To take a risk by immersing oneself in a challenging or unfamiliar situation.  

    Roll the dice on something: To take a chance or risk on a particular outcome or decision.  

    Go for broke: To take extreme risks, often with the expectation of a significant reward.  

    Burn your bridges: To take a risk by eliminating any chance of returning to a previous state or position, often implying commitment to a new path.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #6
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