
매거진 philologia

You can make anything
by writing


by Yuie Coree Jul 20. 2020

Awoon Dwashmaya

Lord's prayer in Aramaic

Awoon Dwashmaya (Awoon:Our beloved, Abba+Woon / Dwa / shmaya:whole universe, everywhere)

Nithqadash Shmakh (Nith:be /qadash:holy,hallow;distinct,sanctified /Shma:name /kh:your) => Keep in God's name holy, distinct, unique...

Taythey Malkuthakh (they:come / tay they:let come / Malkutha: kingdom (מלכות in Hebrew) *M(a)lk:counsel / kh:your) "Let your counsel come." *tay ->very short pronuncitation.  *Gospel=evangel(Greek)=swortha(Aramaic)->the joyful hope, the joyful message, the joyful expectation. *Let thy kingdom come: let be manifested your kingdom, be seen, acknowledgible.(kingdom of heaven was always present with the people but they did not acknowledge it. Jesus brought the dinamics, the principles of kingdom. He brought them into action. Where they could be felt and seen. ).  **Who had mental problems in the ancient Aramaic term(;evil spirit, malfunctioning spirit;the mind/heart/emotions are not working correctly)=Da(y)wana <-borrowed a Persian word, which we translate as 'devil', but it means 'mental illness, emotional illness, people who are having emotional/mental problems. **'cast out the spirit' in Aramaic means 'to heal mentally or emotional problems and difficulties in challenge that the people were having.'  *'prayer' in Aramaic:trap in God. 'To pray'=tuning in to spiritual forces

***third attunement: Let us turn to and act upon God's ever-present Kingdom that is council. Let us also take the necessary steps to look beyond just our own interests and see a larger world of peace and harmony for all races and nations. When we pray in this manner, our prayers and thoughts are universal we earnestly feel and want good made manifest for all. Undoubtedly we do many things that are good and we maintain many attitudes that are wholesome. This is God's presence now moving through us for it is God who inspires you with the will to do the good things you desire to do. Let us open ourselves fully as we say this prayer to God's counsel, his kingdom, his advice his presence, and live our lives within its wisdom. It is then that we live a life which is naturally yields peace and harmony. The kingdom's power and guidance begins within. It is our choice. This is our third attunement.

Nehweh SeweeyanaKh Akanna Dwashmaya ap barah*:Let your will be even as it is in heaven on earth. /Nehweh:Let be /Seweeyana:will, wish, desire /Kh:your /AKanna:even as /Dwashmaya:throughout the universe /ap:also /barah:on earth 

***Fourth attunement: By understanding and working with each line of the Lord's Prayer not only does setting the trap become powerful but also tune into our eternal source. When we're doing this, remember the word prayer in Aramaic means to trap. In other words for you to catch the essence the presence the love the power whatever it is you need you're capturing it in prayer and this is the sense of the word to pray, to capture, to trap so what we're doing in what we are doing is we're tuning in to our eternal source which is a part of us the prayer aligns us with the harmony that prevails throughout the universe. When we say these words sincerity (sincerely?) deep from within our hearts, we admit that we desire God's wish to be on earth just as faithfully as it is throughout the heavens remember the word will means wish or desire by awakening this attitude within ourselves we open our consciousness to the possibility of universal peace on earth we prepare ourselves to receive and acknowledge the good that our loving father constantly gives to us the more we enter the realization and efficacy of the prayer the more the power and spiritual forces flow through us. As we pray these words we openly and clearly and sincerely confess that we want to stay in our orbits we allow the genuine inner self the true self to emerge and not collide with others. We affirmed by this prayer with all our hearts that we will work with our intrinsic powers and strength. These inner forces which are a part of us allow us to express the same beauty, harmony and oneness that we see being expressed throughout the universe. Now let them flow out among those with whom you associate as we attune ourselves to our source we communicate these divine forces that are within us out to others. We feel and radiate truth and life to all. This is the fourth attunement where by saying this prayer we align ourselves with the way God works. And God works through our hearts through our souls and through our being.

Hawlan lahma dsunkanan yaumana *Hawlan:Provide us, Give us /lahma:bread=round and thin bread which is kind of huge tortilla=meal=any needs whatsoever  /dsunkanan:needful /yaumana:from day to day

Washwoklan Hawben (wahtohayn) Akanna Daph hannan Shwaken L'hayawen   *Washwoklan:And forgive us /Hawben:offenses /Akanna:even as /Daph hannan Shwaken:as we have forgiven /L'hayawen:our offenders 

Wla Ta-alan L'nisyona  *W:And(conjuction) /la:No, Don't /ta:enter /alan:into /l'nisyona:temptation

Ella pasan min beesha *ella:but /pasan:deliver us, free us /min:from /beesha(noun, adj, adv,):bad, ugly, cruel, evil, trouble, error, mistake, rotten, unripe, immature, unfortunate, unlucky, wicked, troublemaker, deceiver...

Mitol ddeelaKhee Malkutha Whaila Wtishbohta La-alam Almeen  *Mitol:because /ddeelaKhee:Yours are /Malkutha:kingdom /Whaila:and the power, energy /Wtishbohta:and the glory, entirely, all songs and praise /la-alam:from the ages  /Almeen:to all the ages, throughout the ages

*seventh attunement: Let us not become ensnared by or saturated with materialism but as we make our games separate us from error that may hurt others or our own lives as well. Yes, we are to make gains and meet our needs. All gains need to circulate and not just accumulate we know that the balance of the universe depends on the circulation of good that nature provides. As we pray this phrase of the prayer we awaken and call upon our inner spiritual energies and forces so that we (they) may continually guide us material things come and go. These things do not guide us. What we are saying in this prayer is we are open to God's counsel by so doing we avoid many mistakes and bring greater happiness to ourselves and others.


*This page is what I wrote down and combined with the contents expounded by Dr. Rocco Errico.


Ana slēt bšmayn Yēšūʿ mšīḥā

 (ܐܢܐ ܣܠܝܬ ܒܫܡܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ)

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