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by 지식노동자 Dec 29. 2022

Market Failures & Taxes

시장 실패, 세금, 그리고 보조금

Crash course economics 22강 주제는 Market Failures, Taxes, and Subsidies입니다.

Q. 자유 시장의 가장 큰 문제 중 하나는?

People have an individual reason to do things that are against the interests of the group as a whole.

Q. 무임승차자는 어떤 사람을 말하는 것일까요?

Free riders are people who get a benefit without paying for it.

Q. 무임승차자의 행위를 어떻게 논리적으로 설명할 수 있을까요?

They would pay their fair share if they had to pay the price.

But, in many cases, they can get what they want without paying the price.

Why pay their fair share if they can get what they want for less or even for free?

Q. 시장 실패는 무엇인가요?

When markets alone do not provide enough of things like fire protection, schools, and national defense, this is known as a market failure.

Q. 경제학에서 No-exclusion은 무엇을 의미하나요?

No exclusion refers to the idea that you can’t exclude non-payers from certain kinds of services, like national defense.

Q. 경제학에서 Non-rivalry는 무엇을 의미하나요?

Non-rivalry is the idea that one person using a good does not ruin it for other people.

Q. 공공재는 무엇인가요?

A public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous.

Examples include schools, libraries, fire departments, police departments, street lights, national defense, etc.

Q. 민간 기업이 공공재를 생산하지 않고 정부가 생산하는 이유는 무엇인가요?

Private firms have a hard time making money off these kinds of goods. The task of producing them usually falls to government if the good is considered essential or even useful.

Q. 정부가 공공재 생산을 할 수 있는 방법은 무엇인가요?

Governments pay for these goods through taxes and makes them available to the public, which is why they are called public goods.

Q. 공유지의 비극은 무엇을 의미하나요?

The “Tragedy of the Commons” is a major cause of many environmental problems including deforestation and pollution.

Q. 공유지의 비극이 일어나는 이유는?

The Tragedy of the Commons happens because people can’t prevent others from using up a scarce resource, so they decide their best strategy is to use as much of it as possible themselves before it’s gone forever.

Q. 외부효과는 항상 부정적일까요?

Externalities can be positive as in the case of education producing positive effects on third-parties such as the children of the persons educated earlier.

Q. 부정적 외부효과는 왜 일어날까요?

The pricing of an item does not take into account all the costs associated with producing that item, and therefore the price does not signal to society the true costs of production.

Q. 부정적 외부효과의 사례는 어떤 것이 있을까요?

Examples include funding education to produce positive externalities and taxing cigarettes to reduce negative externalities.

Q. 교육의 긍정적 외부효과에 대해 설명해보세요?

Education is the classic example: compulsory education laws create a society with widespread literacy, for example, and this has a strong beneficial effect across the board, not just for the students who can read.

Q. 외부 효과를 해결할 수 있는 2가지 시장 기반의 해결책은 무엇인가요?

Taxes and Subsidies

Q. 정부가 하는 규제는 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

Regulations include age restrictions on smoking, no-smoking areas imposed by law, and rules about advertising.

Q. 경제학자들은 일반적은 규제를 선호하나요, 시장 기반의 해결책을 선호하나요?

Economists prefer market-based policies over government regulation.

Q. Cap and Trade policy는 무엇이고 언제 사용되었나요?

A cap and trade reduces emissions, such as those from power plants, by setting a limit on pollution and creating a market.

A cap and trade policy has already been successfully used in the U.S. to cut emissions of sulfur dioxide, which causes acid rain.

Q. 규제가 전혀 없는 경제에서 기업은 어떤 인센티브를 갖나요?

There is an incentive for companies to ignore the international environment and make products as cheaply as possible.

Q. 자유 시장과 정부 중 어디가 주도하는 경제가 더 좋습니까와 같은 정부는 좋은 질문일까요?


Market failure demonstrates that both are necessary, so the real question is how can these entitiesbest work together to make our lives better.


이전 03화 Price Controls & Subsidies
brunch book

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