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by 김종찬 Sep 04. 2023


Chu Kyung-ho's 181 trillion won export f

추경호 181조 수출자금 중국관광 3개월 ‘살포’ 부동산 호화사치소비 ‘자극’        


수출 수입 동시 급감의 경기침체에서 정부가 4분기에 수출지원금 181조원 투입과 중국 관광객 유치전으로 경기부양에 나서 부동산 시장 부양과 호화사치시장 부양을 시작했다.

기재부는 8월 수출 부진이 드러난 4일 4분기 수출 증가 정책으로 연말까지 수출업체에 최대 181조원(1370억 달러)의 정책금융으로 저렴한 대출 제공과 중국 관광객에 대한 비자 처리 수수료 면제로 관광객 현재 1만명을 월 5만명으로 증가 유인하는 경기부양정책으로 발표했다

정부가 4분기 3개월에 181조원의 대규모 정책자금을 집중 살포하면서 부동산 경기부양과 호화사치성 수입품 급증에 사치 소비 자극이 강해졌다.

추경호 부총리는 이날 '비상경제장관회의 겸 수출투자대책회의'에서 "9월에는 무역수지 흑자기조와 함께 수출감소 폭이 추가 완화될 것으로 예상된다. 4분기 중에는 수출이 플러스 전환될 것으로 기대된다"며 '수출 활성화 위한 추가 지원방안'과 '중국인 방한 관광 활성화 방안'을 발표했다.

추 부총리는 무역 급감이 나타난 '중국 리스크'에 대해 "중국 경제상황 등 대외 불확실성이 계속되는 만큼 경제 흐름에 대한 과도한 비관이나 낙관을 경계하면서 한시도 긴장의 끈을 놓지 않겠다"며 "수출회복 모멘텀을 강화하고 외국인의 국내관광 활성화를 통해 내수를 진작하는 데 범부처 정책역량을 집중하고 총력 지원하겠다"고 밝혀 중국 수출시장 퇴조를 지속하면 관광객 유치 정책 전환을 확인했다.

현대경제연구원은 3일 ‘상저하고 가능성 제고’ 보고서로 2분기 0.6% 경제성장률(전분기대비)가 “수입 감소에 따른 착시로 사실상 역성장”이라며 “내수와 수출 동시 침체의 전형적 ‘불황’ 국면 진입”으로 밝혔다.

2분기 지표는 이미 수입(-4.2%) 급감에서 민간소비(-0.1%), 건설투자(-0.3%), 설비투자(-0.2%), 수출(-1.8%) 모두 마이너스이고 워낙 수입 -4.2% 감소가 컸고 정부는 이를 ‘수출 회복’으로 변조했다.

추 부총리는 이날 '비상경제장관회의'에서 "7월 산업활동이 기상악화 등 일시적 요인으로 부진했지만, 수출 회복과 서비스업 개선 등이 지속되고 있다"며 "우리 경제는 월별 변동성은 있으나 대체로 바닥을 다지면서 회복을 시작하는 초입 단계에 있는 것으로 보인다"고 말했다.

추 부총리는 이어 "하반기 경기 반등의 핵심 요소인 수출은 8월 하계휴가 영향에도 불구하고 반도체를 중심으로 수출 감소 폭이 크게 완화됐고 대중국 수출도 100억 달러를 다시 넘어섰다"며 "무역수지도 3개월 연속 흑자를 지속하는 등 당초 예상보다 양호한 흐름"이라 밝혔다.

정부 부양책에서 9월 3일 증시는 외국인이 순매수한 삼성전자만 6.1% 올랐고, LG에너지솔루션, SK하이닉스 등의 대형주를 외국인이 순매도하면서 주가가 오른 종목(316개)보다 내린 종목(553개)이 주도했다.

외국인 투자자들은 정부와 언론이 부양하는 삼성의 ‘고대역폭메모리(HBM) 공급 홍보’에 외국인이 SK하이닉스를 팔고 삼성을 매수하는 방식으로 한국 증시를 교란했다.

언론사들은 “반도체 업계에 따르면 삼성전자는 최근 엔비디아의 샘플 테스트를 통과하고 HBM3 공급을 준비 중”을 집중 보도했다. 김동원 KB증권 리서치본부장은 "최근 삼성전자가 북미 GPU 업체로부터 AI 반도체와 패키징의 최종 품질 승인을 동시 완료한 것으로 추정된다"며 "향후 2년간 공급부족이 예상되는 HBM 시장에서 점유율 확대가 기대된다"고 머니투데이에 밝혀, ‘추정’ ‘기대’가 보고서 결론이다. 

증권사들의 이날 삼성전자 목표주가 평균을 9만1364원으로 이전(8만6182원) 보다 6% 상향했다.

KB증권 하나증권 교보증권 하이투자증권 상상인증권 등이 9만5천원이고, 한국투자증권, DB금융투자 한화투자증권 메리츠증권 등이 9만4천원을 목표주가로 제시했다.

이들 증권사들은 지난 5월에 ‘삼성 저점’과 ‘V 반등’을 제시했고, 추 부총리도 ‘5월 바닥’에서 하반기 무역흑자 경기 활성화를 국회에서 밝혔다.

언론사들은 관련 보도에서 반도체 분석 기사를 일괄적으로 ‘증권사 보고서 관계자’ 표기에서 ‘업계 관계자’로 전환 표기한다.

5월 저점은 증권사들이 5월에 삼성전자 주식 매수 추천 보고서를 내면서 5월 반도체 저점을 언론을 통해 지속 전파했고, 추 부총리가 5월 21일 국회에서 "5월이 지나면 적자 폭이 개선되고 4분기에는 지금과 전혀 다른 모습의 대외실적을 확인할 수 있을 것"이라 말하며 증시와 경기부양 정책으로 공식화됐다.

5월에 나온 ‘2분기 삼성전의 영업이익 전망치’는 이미 ‘전년대비 99% 급감’으로 나온 상태에서 ‘5월 저점’이 정부의 정책으로 전환됐다.

정부는 내년 656조9천억원 예산 편성으로 올해 638조7천억원) 대비 지출 증가율이 2.8%(18조2천억원)로 물가상승률 전망치(3%대 중반) 보다 낮게 ‘긴축 재정’을 지난달 29일 발표했다.

추 부총리는  4일 국회에서 ‘추경 편성 통해 경제성장률을 끌어올려야 하는 것 아니냐’는 야당 질의에 “또 빚을 내면 어떻게 건전재정, 대외 신인도를 유지할 수 있겠느냐”며 “현금 살포성 보다는 건전재정 기조 확고히 하는 가운데 약자 위한 곳에 선별적 선택적 재정 지출 집중해야 한다”고 밝혔다.     

<증권사들 삼성 ‘5월 저점 주식사라’ Vs 2분기이익 전년대비 99%급락, 2023년 6월 2일자.삼성 최악실적에 ‘5월저점’서 ‘2분기 바닥’ 돌변, 외신 ‘3분기 추가하락’, 7월 7일자. 추경호 ‘5월저점’ 실패 무역적자 커져 IMF 1.4% ADB 1.3% 성장률 하락, 7월 26일자 참조>

Chu Kyung-ho's 181 trillion won export fund 'spreading out' Chinese tourism for 3 months 'stimulating' real estate luxury consumption

In the midst of an economic downturn with simultaneous sharp declines in imports and exports, the government began to stimulate the economy by investing 181 trillion won in export subsidies in the fourth quarter and attracting Chinese tourists, thereby boosting the real estate market and the luxury luxury market.

On the 4th, when the sluggish exports in August were revealed, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced a policy to increase exports in the fourth quarter by providing cheap loans with policy financing of up to 181 trillion won ($137 billion) to exporters by the end of the year and exempting visa processing fees for Chinese tourists, which currently allows 10,000 tourists. Announced an economic stimulus policy to increase the number of people to 50,000 per month.

As the government intensively distributed large-scale policy funds of 181 trillion won in the first three months of the fourth quarter, the stimulation of luxury consumption was strengthened by the real estate economy stimulus and the rapid increase in luxury goods.

Deputy Prime Minister Chu Kyung-ho said at the 'Emergency Economic Ministers' Meeting and Export Investment Measures Meeting' on this day, "The decline in exports is expected to ease further in September along with the trade balance trend. Exports are expected to turn positive during the fourth quarter." ‘Additional support plan to revitalize exports’ and ‘Plan to revitalize Chinese tourism to Korea’ were announced.

Regarding the 'China risk' that has resulted in a sharp decline in trade, Deputy Prime Minister Chu said, "As external uncertainties such as the Chinese economic situation continue, we will not let go of tension even for a moment while guarding against excessive pessimism or optimism about the economic trend." He added, "We will strengthen the momentum for export recovery." “We will focus all government policy capabilities and provide all-out support to promote domestic demand by activating foreign domestic tourism,” he said, confirming a shift in policy to attract tourists if China’s export market continues to decline.

On the 3rd, the Hyundai Research Institute published a report titled ‘Subsequence and Potential Enhancement’, saying that the 0.6% economic growth rate in the second quarter (compared to the previous quarter) was “actually negative growth due to an illusion caused by a decrease in imports,” and that “we have entered a typical ‘recession’ phase with simultaneous recession in domestic demand and exports.” “It was revealed.

The indicators for the second quarter are already negative, with imports (-4.2%) plummeting, private consumption (-0.1%), construction investment (-0.3%), facility investment (-0.2%), and exports (-1.8%) all negative, and imports -4.2%. The % decline was large, and the government changed it into ‘export recovery.’

Deputy Prime Minister Chu said at the 'Emergency Economic Ministers' Meeting' on this day, "Industrial activity was sluggish in July due to temporary factors such as bad weather, but recovery in exports and improvement in the service industry are continuing." He added, "Our economy has monthly volatility, but has generally bottomed out." "It appears that we are in the early stages of recovery," he said. Deputy Prime Minister Chu continued, "Despite the impact of the summer vacation in August, exports, which are a key element of the economic rebound in the second half of the year, have significantly eased the decline in exports, centering on semiconductors, and exports to China have significantly eased." “Exports also exceeded $10 billion again,” he said, adding, “The trade balance also continued to be in surplus for three consecutive months, showing a better trend than initially expected.”

Due to the government's stimulus plan, the stock market on September 3 rose 6.1%, with only Samsung Electronics, which was net purchased by foreigners, and large-cap stocks such as LG Energy Solution and SK Hynix were net sold by foreigners, resulting in stocks whose stock prices decreased (553) more than those whose stock prices rose (316). led the way

Foreign investors disrupted the Korean stock market by selling SK Hynix and buying Samsung in response to Samsung’s ‘high bandwidth memory (HBM) supply promotion’ supported by the government and media.

Media outlets focused on reporting, “According to the semiconductor industry, Samsung Electronics recently passed Nvidia’s sample test and is preparing to supply HBM3.” Kim Dong-won, head of research at KB Securities, said, “It is believed that Samsung Electronics has recently completed final quality approval for AI semiconductors and packaging simultaneously from North American GPU companies.” He added, “We expect to expand our share in the HBM market, where supply shortages are expected for the next two years.” As revealed by Go Money Today, ‘estimates’ and ‘expectations’ are the conclusions of the report.

Securities companies raised their average target stock price for Samsung Electronics by 6% to 91,364 won from the previous day (86,182 won).

KB Securities, Hana Securities, Kyobo Securities, Hi Investment & Securities, and Sangsang Certificates presented a target stock price of 95,000 won, while Korea Investment & Securities, DB Financial Investment, Hanwha Investment & Securities, and Meritz Securities presented a target stock price of 94,000 won.

These securities companies presented ‘Samsung bottom’ and ‘V rebound’ last May, and Deputy Prime Minister Chu also announced at the National Assembly that the trade surplus in the second half of the year would be revitalized from the ‘May bottom’.

In related reports, media outlets collectively change the description of semiconductor analysis articles from ‘stock company report officials’ to ‘industry officials.’

The low point in May was continuously propagated through the media as securities firms issued reports recommending the purchase of Samsung Electronics stocks in May, and Deputy Prime Minister Chu said at the National Assembly on May 21, "After May, the deficit will improve and the fourth quarter will increase." “We will be able to see external performance that is completely different from what it is now,” he said, adding that it was formalized as a stock market and economic stimulus policy.

The ‘Samsung Electronics’ operating profit forecast for the second quarter’ released in May had already shown a ‘99% plunge compared to the previous year’, and the ‘May low point’ was converted into government policy.

The government announced 'austerity fiscal policy' on the 29th of last month, with a budget of 656.9 trillion won next year, an increase in spending of 2.8% (18.2 trillion won) compared to this year's 638.7 trillion won, lower than the inflation rate forecast (mid-3% range). .

In response to a question from the opposition party at the National Assembly on the 4th asking, ‘Shouldn’t we raise the economic growth rate through supplementary budget?’, Deputy Prime Minister Chu said, “If we take on more debt, how can we maintain sound finances and external credibility?” and “A sound finance policy rather than cash distribution.” He said, “We need to focus on selective financial expenditures for the weak while making sure we do so.”

<Securities companies Samsung 'Buy stocks at May low' Vs 2nd quarter profit plummets 99% compared to previous year, June 2, 2023. Samsung's worst performance suddenly changes from 'May low' to 'bottom in 2nd quarter', foreign media adds 3rd quarter ‘Fall’, July 7. Chu Kyung-ho’s ‘May low’ fails, trade deficit grows, IMF 1.4%, ADB 1.3% growth rate declines, see July 26th issue>

May low, economic stimulus, recession, trade deficit, real estate stimulus, Samsung Electronics, export finance, Chinese tourists, securities firms, Kyung-ho Choo

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