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by 김종찬 Oct 26. 2023


Yoon Seokyeol- Kim Hangil’s national u

윤석열 김한길 국민통합 허위정보 명분 '국회 선관위 지방의회 무력화’   


윤석열 김한길 국민통합 체제가 ‘허위정보’ 명분으로 독립 기구인 국회와 선관위, 지방의회에 대한 동시 무력화에 들어갔다.

윤 대통령이 17일 국민통합위에서 “당에 배포해 적극 반영하라”고 지시했던 비공개 보고서를 입수한 중앙일보는 보고서가 “허위조작 정보가 정치를 왜곡하고 공동체를 분열시키고 있다”며 “헌법상 정치적 대표성을 가진 국회나 중립적 선거관리기구인 중앙선거관리위원회에 상설위원회 형식으로 ‘팩트체크위원회’를 제도화할 것을 제안한다”고 명시했다고 26일 밝혔다.

윤 대통령이 지시한 국민통합위 보고서는 특히 “국회의원이 법안을 발의할 때 다른 정당 소속 의원을 공동발의자에 포함하는 것을 의무화해야한다”고 밝혀, 국회 고유의 입법기능에서 정당의 판단권 박탈을 명시했다.

보고서는 지방의회에 청년특별위원회 설치를 규정해 지방자치제에서 의회의 고유 기능을 배제하고 ‘청년 대표성 강화’ 명분으로 정당정치에 대한 훼손을 시도했다.

보고서는 이어 ‘건강보험 외국인 무임승차 방지’를 통해 외국인을 ‘사회적 적만들기’ 전략의 대상으로 부각했다.

보고서는 이어 ‘사기범 신상정보공개’를 통해 사법부의 권한을 행정부 권한으로 전환시켰다.

보고서는 ‘젠더 갈등’에 대해 “젠더 갈등이 폭발력있는 이슈인 만큼 정치권에서 언제든지 이를 이용하려는 가능성이 남아있다”며 “언론사에 젠더 관련 뉴스를 스스로 점검하는 ‘젠더데스크’를 설치하거나, 공공·민간이 함께 특정 성별에 대한 혐오표현을 대응하는 합동 모니터링 기구 설치가 필요하다”고 명시해, ‘사회갈등의 치유 통합’이 아니라 ‘언론자유 침해’로 의제를 전환했다.보고서는 ‘허위조작 정보가 정치 왜곡’을 규정해 ‘허위정보 유포에 대한 행정부와 사법부 고유 기능’을 배제하고 ‘행정부에 의한 국회 권한 침해’로 ‘국회에 허위정보 책임’의 전가를 통한 ‘국회 마비’를 시도했다.

보고서 ‘중앙선거관리위원회에 상설위원회로 ‘팩트체크위원회’ 제도화‘ 명분으로 선관위의 선거 공정관리보다 ’허위정보 진위 갈등‘을 상위 체제로 강화시켜 행정독재에서 선관위 무력화의 전형을 보인다. 

보고서는 “헌법상 정치적 대표성을 가진 국회”를 명시하면서 ‘국회에 행정기능 혼선 떠넘기기 전략’을 집중해 ‘정당정치 무력화’를 국민통합의 주요 정책으로 집약했다.

중앙일보는 이날 ‘김한길 국민통합위원장 역할론’이 여권 내 최대 화두로 떠오른 가운데 국민의힘 지도부가 김 위원장이 주도해 펴낸 보고서를 집중 분석하고 있는 것으로 25일 확인됐다고 밝혔다.보도는 이어 “국민의힘 대표실은 지난 24일 윤재옥 원내대표, 유의동 정책위의장, 이만희 사무총장 등 일부 핵심 인사에게만 1부씩 배포했다”며 국민의힘 지도부 핵심 의원이 “사회갈등을 치유할 다양한 어젠다와 실행방안이 담겨있어 실무진과 함께 스터디에 들어갔다. 유의미한 정책이 모이면 적극적으로 반영할 예정”이라 말했다고 밝혔다 

Yoon Seokyeol-Kim Hangil’s national unity false information justification was ‘neutralization of local councils of the National Assembly Election Commission’

Yoon Seok-yeol and Kim Han-gil The national unity system simultaneously began neutralizing independent organizations such as the National Assembly, National Election Commission, and local councils in the name of ‘false information’.

JoongAng Ilbo, which obtained a private report that President Yoon instructed the National Unity Committee on the 17th to “distribute to the party and actively reflect,” said the report was “false and fabricated information is distorting politics and dividing the community,” and “under the Constitution, it is a political issue.” “We propose to institutionalize the ‘Fact Check Committee’ in the form of a permanent committee in the representative National Assembly or the National Election Commission, a neutral election management body,” it was announced on the 26th.

The National Unity Committee report ordered by President Yoon specifically stated, “When members of the National Assembly propose a bill, it must be mandatory to include members from other political parties as co-sponsors,” thereby depriving political parties of their right to make decisions in the National Assembly’s unique legislative function. stated.

The report stipulated the establishment of a special youth committee in local councils, thereby excluding the council's unique function in local self-government and attempting to undermine party politics in the name of ‘strengthening youth representation.’

The report went on to highlight foreigners as targets of the strategy of ‘making social enemies’ by ‘preventing foreigners from free riding on health insurance’.

The report went on to transform the authority of the judiciary into the authority of the executive branch through ‘disclosure of personal information of fraudsters.’

Regarding ‘gender conflict,’ the report said, “As gender conflict is an explosive issue, there remains a possibility that the political world will try to exploit it at any time.” He added, “Media companies should establish a ‘gender desk’ that independently checks gender-related news, or public and private “It is necessary to establish a joint monitoring organization to respond to hate speech against specific genders,” he said, changing the agenda from “integration of healing of social conflict” to “violation of freedom of the press.”

The report stipulates that 'falsely manipulated information distorts politics' and excludes 'the unique functions of the executive and judiciary regarding the spread of false information' and 'infringes on the authority of the National Assembly by the executive branch' by shifting 'responsibility for false information to the National Assembly'. I tried to paralyze it.

In the justification of the report, ‘Institutionalization of the ‘Fact Check Committee’ as a permanent committee in the National Election Commission’, the ‘false information truth-false conflict’ is strengthened as a higher-level system than the election process management of the National Election Commission, showing a typical example of the neutralization of the National Election Commission in an administrative dictatorship.

The report specified “the National Assembly with political representation under the Constitution” and focused on the “strategy of passing administrative function confusion to the National Assembly,” concentrating “neutralization of party politics” as a key policy for national unity.

The JoongAng Ilbo announced on the 25th that it was confirmed on the 25th that the People Power Party leadership is intensively analyzing the report published by Chairman Kim while the ‘role theory of Chairman Kim Han-gil of the National Unification Committee’ has emerged as the biggest topic in the ruling party.

The report continued, “On the 24th, the People Power Party representative office distributed one copy to only a few key personnel, including floor leader Jae-ok Yoon, policy committee chairman Yoo Yu-dong, and Secretary-General Lee Man-hee,” and a key member of the People Power leadership said, “We have various agendas to heal social conflicts.” Since it contained an implementation plan, we started a study with the working-level staff. “If meaningful policies are gathered, we will actively reflect them,” he said.

People Power, National Unity, National Assembly, Kim Han-gil, National Election Commission, violation of press freedom, Yoon Seok-yeol, gender conflict, local council, false information

작가의 이전글 카타르 미국과아랍저항군의중개로‘인질석방’윤석열'경협'
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