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by 김종찬 Jan 04. 2024

이재명 서울이송 가족결정에 공적시스템파기 강경보수본색

Lee Jae-myeong's decision to transport h

이재명 서울이송 가족 결정에 공적시스템 파기 강경보수 본색     

이재명 민주당 대표가 부산 피습 사태에 가족 결정으로 서울 헬기 이송이 공적 의료 시스템을 파기하고 강경보수 본색을 드러냈다.

이 대표는 부산대 병원에서 ‘가족 간병’을 이유로 민주당의 공식 결정을 거쳐 응급 의료시스템으로 서울대 병원 이동 수술을 결정해 공적 의료 시스템보다 사적 간병을 우위에 두는 보수주의를 3일 선택했다.

민주당은 이날 부산 현지에서 최고위원회를 열고 서울 이송에 대해 ‘가족 선택’으로 발표하고 이를 추인해 ‘의료시스템 사적 결정’을 공식화했디.

응급의료시스템으로 이 대표를 최초 진단한 부산대병원은 피습 당일 응급외상센터에서 지혈을 위한 응급처치와 혈관 CT촬영으로 경정맥 손상을 확인하고 응급수술 집도를 위해 보호자 동의 절차에서 이 대표 가족들과 더불어민주당 관계자들이 수술을 서울대병원에서 받겠다고 결정을 전달 받음으로서 공적 의료시스템에 사적 요구가 우선됐다. 

김영대 부산대병원 권역외상센터장은 가족들의 요청을 받아들여 서울대병원 의료진과 통화중인 더불어민주당 비서실장의 전화기를 건네받아 통화를 하며 가족 측의 요청을 받아들여 서울대병원 측에 '즉시 수술이 가능한지' '의료진이 있는지' 등을 물었다고 ‘뉴스1’이 보도했다. 

김 센터장은 "이재명 대표 가족들이 수술을 서울대병원에서 받겠다고 결정했고, 헬기로 이동하기 위험할 정도로 위중하지는 않지만, 당장 상처를 치료하는 응급 수술은 필요하다고 판단해 이 대표의 서울 이송이 최종 결정됐다"고 이날 밝혔다.

당시 수행자였던 김지호 당대표 정무조정부실장은 4일 페이스북에 “환자 치료에 있어 의술도 중요하지만 여러 가지 복잡하고 특수한 상황을 고려할 때 정신적 지지를 해줄 가족의 간호가 절실한 상황이었다. 부산대병원에 가능하다면 환자가 주거지 인근인 서울에서 치료를 받을 수 있는지 검토 요청을 했으며 이에 의료진이 전원의뢰서를 작성해 관련 자료를 발급했고 닥터 헬기를 호출해 이송했다”고 밝혔다.

김 부실장은 이어 “환자 보호자를 대신한 보좌진으로서 환자가 정신적 지지를 받을 수 있는 가족의 간호를 받을 수 있게 병원에 요청한 것이 위법하며 윤리적으로 비난받고 사과해야 할 일인지 묻고 싶다”고 ‘보좌인이 환자 대신’으로 밝혔다. 김 부실장은 사건 당시 현장에서 이 대표를 수행했다.

이 대표의 가족이 치료 결정권을 행사하므로 인해 중중 상태에서 벗어난 진단을 근거로 부산대 병원의 응급 의료 체계의 결정권자인 김 센터장이 서울대병원과 협의 후 ‘전원 결정’으로 헬기 수송이 응급의료 체계를 벗어났다

 Lee Jae-myeong's decision to transport his family to Seoul destroys the public system, showing his true colors as a hard-line conservative

Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party, destroyed the public medical system and revealed his true colors as a hard-line conservative by having his family decide to transport him by helicopter in the wake of the Busan attack.

On the 3rd, Representative Lee chose a conservatism that prioritizes private care over the public medical system by deciding to have surgery at Pusan National University Hospital by moving to Seoul National University Hospital using the emergency medical system after an official decision by the Democratic Party for “family care.”

On this day, the Democratic Party held a supreme committee meeting in Busan and announced the transfer to Seoul as a ‘family choice’ and ratified it, making it official as a ‘private decision on the medical system.’

Choi Choi was diagnosed by the emergency medical system. On the day of the attack, Pusan National University Hospital provided first aid for hemostasis at the emergency trauma center and confirmed the damage to the jugular through a vascular CT scan. Representative Lee's family and Democratic Party officials were provided with consent from the guardian for emergency surgery. As they received the decision to undergo surgery at Seoul National University Hospital, private demands took priority over the public medical system.

Kim Young-dae, head of the regional trauma center at Pusan National University Hospital, accepted the family's request and received the phone from the Democratic Party's Chief of Staff, who was on the phone with the medical staff at Seoul National University Hospital. He accepted the family's request and asked Seoul National University Hospital whether immediate surgery was possible. ‘News 1’ reported that he asked, “Is there such a thing?”

Center Director Kim said, "Representative Lee Jae-myeong's family decided to undergo surgery at Seoul National University Hospital, and although his condition was not critical enough to be dangerous to transport by helicopter, it was decided that emergency surgery to treat the wound was necessary immediately, so the final decision was made to transfer Representative Lee to Seoul. “He said today.

On the 4th, Kim Ji-ho, head of the political affairs coordination department of the party leader who was an attendant at the time, said on Facebook on the 4th, “Medical skills are important in treating patients, but considering various complex and special situations, the care of family members who would provide mental support was desperately needed. “We requested Pusan National University Hospital to review whether, if possible, the patient could receive treatment in Seoul, near his residence, and the medical staff wrote a transfer request form, issued related materials, and called a doctor helicopter to transport him,” he said.

Deputy Director Kim continued, “As an aide on behalf of the patient’s guardian, I would like to ask whether the request to the hospital to allow the patient to receive care from a family member who can receive mental support is illegal and should be ethically criticized and an apology.” 'It was revealed. Deputy Director Kim accompanied Representative Lee at the scene at the time of the incident.

Since CEO Lee's family exercises the right to decide on treatment, based on the diagnosis that he was out of serious condition, Center Director Kim, who is the decision-maker for the emergency medical system at Pusan National University Hospital, made an 'all-hand decision' after consultation with Seoul National University Hospital, and helicopter transportation was outside the emergency medical system. 

Family, hard-line conservatives, public system, Democratic Party, Pusan National University Hospital, Seoul transportation, medical system, Lee Jae-myung, attack, helicopter transportation                  

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